Chapter 14- The Reveal

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                                Chapter 14- The Reveal

"As in the TV show," Morgan asked.

"No," Stiles started, "Well kind of, but not really."

"No, as in werewolves, dumbass," Reid corrected.

"Well, yeah that too," Morgan tried to save himself.

Stiles just rolled his eyes at his teammates before continuing on. "Werewolves are real, and so are a whole lot of other things."

"So he's a werewolf?" Emily asked, pointing at Scott "That's what he changed into in the library?"

Scott nodded as an answer to Emily's question.

"Well the movies have got it wrong then," Garcia cut in, trying to break some of the tension in the room.

"Well, I mean they got one thing right at least," Lydia added.

"And that is?"

"The pack structure."

"That's just basic knowledge of how wild wolves form their packs," Reid corrected, "Alpha on top. Beta in the middle. Omega on the bottom."

"Not exactly," Scott cut in. "In reality, yes the Alpha is on the top, with Beta's below them, but it is extremely rare for a pack to have Omega's. Typically Omega's are the lone wolves."

"So how do you tell the difference?" JJ asked.

"Their eyes," Lydia answered.

"When someone is an Alpha there is a small extra spark that gives them more power. It changes their eyes from yellow to red," Stiles finished.

"So Beta's eyes are yellow, I'm assuming" Morgan cut in.


"Can we see yours?" Emily asked, aiming the question towards Scott and Derek.

Both Scott and Derek closed their eyes for a few seconds, before opening them to reveal the color of their eyes.

"So Scott's an Alpha?" Emily questioned.

Scott simply nodded.

"So then what is Derek, his eyes are blue?"

"I am going to preference this with the fact that, despite the strong evidence the FBI has, Derek did not kill those people," Stiles explained.


"Blue means you have taken an innocent life. To kill something pure takes the spark that makes your eyes yellow."

Once Stiles finished the FBI agents erupted. Hotch quickly moved across the room, in an attempt to get to Derek. The rest of the team were close behind him, pulling out their government issued weapons and pointing them at him. Scott instinctively stepped in front of the man who had become his brother.

"Can we put the weapons down?" Stiles asked. "I promise you that he didn't kill them, just let me explain." When his team still did not lower their weapons, Stiles continued, "I can also promise you that you won't win this fight, so please you put the guns away."

The FBI agents slowly lowered their weapons, re-holstering them at their hips

"You better have a damn good explanation," Morgan scowled.

"There are two ways to become a werewolf," Derek Hale spoke for the first time. "You are either bitten or born. If someone is bitten, it isn't always certain they will live. I knew someone when I was a teenager who was bitten and not going to survive. They asked me to kill them rather than continue to suffer."

"So why are you the main suspect for a FBI's mass murder case?" Hotch accused.

"We will get there, but we have to explain a bit more first," Scott added.

"One question," Reid cut in. "If you are an Alpha, does that mean you killed your old Alpha?"

"No. Scott is a special case," Stiles began. "He is what is called a True Alpha. He didn't gain his power by stealing it. He gained it by the strength of his will."

"Okay, so how did you become a werewolf?" Garcia asked, her voice coming through the small speakers on the computer.

"Derek was born a wolf," Scott explained. "I was bitten, my sophomore year of high school."

"By who?" JJ added.

"Derek's uncle, Peter."

"The psychotic one?"

"Yeah the psychotic one," Lydia answered.

"So if Derek was born a werewolf that also means Peter was, and if Peter was that means your friend Malia, is also a werewolf," Reid deducted.

"Yes and no," Stiles stated. "She is supernatural, but she is a werecoyote."

"There are more than just werewolves?!" Garcia and Emily explained at the same time.

"Oh, yeah." Stiles half laughed. "Sometimes when you change you take the shape of the type of person you are."

"So, from what we have encountered," Scott began. "There are Werewolves, Werecyotes, Werejaguars, Kanima, and Kitsune."

"And those last two are?" Morgan questioned.

"A lizard and a fox," Reid finished for Scott.

"I think I am going to regret asking this, but is that all?" Emily wondered aloud.

Stiles simply shook his head in response.

"We physically cannot explain to you every creature we have encountered, or we would be here for days, but we can explain the major ones you need to know about to finish this case," Lydia explained.

"And what are you?" Reid questioned her.

"I am a Banshee, a harbinger of death."

"That's fun," Emily sarcastically added.

"And you do what?" Hotch asked.

"The basic explanation is, I can sense death."

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