Chapter 11- The Vault

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A/N- I just wanted to say thank you for 1.5K reads! I like to have a few chapters in the drafts before I publish one, so I am sorry it took me so long to get this one out I wanted to write another chapter before I put this out there.

                                         Chapter 11- The Vault

Rossi, Emily, JJ, and Scott took the left wing of the main floor. They were beginning to make their way through classrooms when they came to the Library. When Emily and Rossi pushed open the double doors, everything seemed fine. Then a young man wandered out from behind one of the bookcases.

"Stop!" Emily called, raising her weapon to point at the man.

He continued to move toward them, running his fingers along the edge of each bookcase as he went.

"Freeze!" Rossi added.

As he drew closer, his image became more clear. He wore black from head to toe, but it rippled around him, like he came from the shadows. His face was covered in a silver mask. His eyes, the only thing that showed, were an unnatural glowing yellow. He reached to his waist and a long sword materialized out of thin air.

Scott swiftly jumped over the two agents between him and the supernatural creature. As he did fangs appeared in his mouth, and extra hair grew on his face. His claws extended from his fingers and his eyes turned a vibrant red.

He quickly glanced back at the bewildered faces of Stiles' team and growled out, "RUN!"

They took off in the direction of the right wing, where the rest of their team was. They weren't sure if they were running from the strange man in the Library or the one who had just turned into something else entirely.

They heard the doors to the library shut behind them. There were a few growls and grunts of pain, but they quieted as Rossi, Emily, and JJ drew farther and farther away. They continued to run until they stumbled into Derek.

"What are you running from?" he asked the three agents as they panted, trying to catch their breath.

"It...He... Sword," Emily heaved out.

"You're not making any sense. Come in here." Derek pulled Emily, Rossi, and JJ into the boys locker room he had just come out of when they ran into him. He sat them down on one of the benches. "Take a deep breath, calm down, and tell me what happened."

By now Hotch and Stiles had wandered over, leaving Lydia alone with Coach for the moment.

"He came out of the shadows," JJ said, trembling. "His sword... just appeared. And then, Scott... he, he..."

"Changed," Stiles finished. "JJ, where is Scott?"

"He told us to run," Rossi answered. "So we did."

"What is going on Stiles?" Derek asked.

Before Stiles could answer, Scott came stumbling into the locker room, he was slightly beaten up, and bloodied. Scott slammed the door behind him and locked it, even though he knew that wouldn't keep the Oni out.

"Stiles, tell me you were smart and brought mountain ash," he stated.

Stiles ran from where he was, pulling out a small vial of black dust from his pocket and smashing it on the ground at the door.

"What's out there?" Stiles asked.

"Oni. He still has control over the few that were left last time."

"That's not going to help for long, this place isn't lined with it like your house."

"I know, but it will hold them back long enough for us to get out."

"I swear to god, Stiles. If you don't explain what the hell is going on right now, you won't be making it out of here, because I will kill you, myself."

"Either I explain now and we all die, or I explain later and we all live. Which do you prefer?"

"Stiles..." Hotch started, but Lydia interrupted.

"He's in the vault."

In all the commotion, no one noticed the water stopped running.

"He's where?!" Derek articulated, catching on that they were talking about Spencer.

"The Hale Vault," Stiles explained. "It's under the school."

"Just one problem," Scott added, "we can't get in."

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