Chapter 12- The Rescue

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                                               Chapter 12- The Rescue

"What do you mean you can't get in?!" Derek yelled at them, his anger rising every second his best friend was out there, and he was still not getting answers.

Stiles sighed, knowing he had to tell them part of the truth right now, in order to save his teammate. "Scott here is a werewolf."

"A WHAT!" Derek responded, not trusting his ears.

"A werewolf," Stiles repeated. "I will elaborate more after we get out of here alive. All you need to know right now is the Hale Vault can only be opened by a Hale's set of claws. Therefore we can't get in."

"Unless we call someone, who you guys won't be too happy to see," Scott added.
"Who?" Emily asked, calmer now.

"Derek Hale," Scott answered.

"Mass murderer, Derek Hale?" JJ questioned.

"Well," Lydia piped in, "actually, he didn't kill any of those people."

"Yes, that Derek Hale."

There was now a pounding on the door to the locker room. The luminescent eyes of the Oni could be seen through the glass.

"What is that?" Derek asked.

"That is why we don't have time to explain, Scott, buddy, do you want to do your thing? It would be greatly appreciated."

Scott let out a long and guttural howl.

"Come on," Stiles said.

The BAU team, faces still covered in shock, and Coach followed Stiles, Lydia, and Scott out of the locker room and onto an open field.

"Where are we going? I thought you said the vault was under the school." Emily pointed out.

"It is, but there is another entrance in the front of the school," Lydia answered.

The group of nine made their way to the front of the school. Scott led the group over to the large 'Beacon Hills High School' sign.

"Come on Derek," Stiles whispered to himself. For the first time since they found out Reid was missing, the BAU could see how worried Stiles was.

"Hey, I'm sorry man," Derek Morgan told him while they waited.

"For what?" Stiles asked.

"I've been so worried and confused this whole time, I didn't notice how much Spencer being missing has been affecting you. I'm just so frustrated at you for hiding so much from us."

"Can you see why I couldn't tell you?"

"Yeah," Derek half laughed.

"I'm sorry too, by the way. I've been so worried about him, because I know exactly who took him, and I can't lose any of you to that."

Just as Stiles finished his sentences, a large black wolf ran into view. It carried a piece of black cloth in its mouth. Stiles let out a heavy sigh, releasing the breath he had been holding.

The black wolf quickly changed into a man with a stubble beard, and black hair. He slipped on the cloth that he held in his mouth, over his naked body.

"The Feds? Seriously Scott," He scowled.

"A member of their team was taken. He's in the vault," Scott explained.

"We need you to open it before the bad Oni finds us," Stiles added.

"Not for the Fed's," Derek condemned.

"He's my friend too, Derek," Stiles retorted.

Derek rolled his eyes, but caved, extending his claws and approaching the school sign. He placed his claw into the medallion on the side and turned it a few times. The school sign shifted and turned revealing a large set of concrete stairs.

Stiles quickly ran down them, Scott and the rest of the group not too far behind. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they could see skinny Spencer Reid hanging by his wrists from the ceiling. Scott used his claws to cut him down, and Morgan and Stiles caught him as he fell.

"Where is it?" Derek Hale asked.

"Not... here," Spencer heaved out.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"Why what?" Rossi inquired.

"He wouldn't just let us find him like this. The Oni should have caught up to us by now." Stiles answered.

"He wanted us to find him," Lydia finished.

Stiles pondered as they made their way back to the parking lot, helping Spencer along the way. Coach heard his own way after Stiles clarified he wouldn't be any help. The now group of ten clambered into the three cars, and made their way back to the Sheriff's Station

"Spencer, I'm really sorry, but we need to know what he looks like," Stiles apologized after they sat Spencer down in the conference room they were working out of.

"She," Reid clarified as he took up a pencil and began to draw

"What?" Scott questioned.

"You mean, She. The Unsub is a woman."

Scott and Stiles gave each other a look, but let Spencer continue to draw. Genius, Spencer Reid, was done drawing very quickly, and placed his pencil down. Stiles picked up the piece of paper, and froze at the image drawn on it. Seeing his reaction Scott took a look at the paper, and quickly sunk to the floor.

Lydia moved from the other side of the table to take a look before Stiles could stop her. The drawing was a spitting image of her best friend, Allison. Lydia let out a scream, as she fell to her knees. The BAU team covered their ears at the sound, as Lydia's voice rang throughout the station, shattering the glass windows of the room they stood in.

Not So Sweet HomeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora