Chapter 8- The Interrogation

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                                         Chapter 8- The Interrogation

"Wolves haven't been in California for over 60 years," Reid started. "They were seen as a threat to livestock, so farmers drove them out of the state. They still haven't come back."

"So if wolves aren't in California, then what killed Hale's sister?" JJ asked.

"I don't know," Reid replied. He was making that face he makes when he is thinking heavily about something.

"What are you thinking?" Rossi piped in.

"I don't know yet. Give me a few hours. Hotch do you mind if I go and check something out?"

"Sure. Morgan, you go with him."

"No," Reid promptly replied. "I'll be fine I promise, I just have to figure this out on my own. I need to be alone to think this through."

"Fine," Hotch hesitantly replied.

"Be safe, please," JJ pleaded, as Spencer got up and headed out of the station.

Spencer left the front doors of the station and instead of taking one of the government issued SUVs he decided to take a walk around the odd town. He needed to think and he needed to do it away from the team.


Rossi and Hotch entered the small interrogation room. On the other side of the metal table sat a girl with long strawberry blonde hair. She was doodling in a small notebook. From what the agents could see it looked like she was sketching a firefly.

"Hello Ms. Martin, My name is Aaron Hotchner and this is my partner David Rossi, we would just like to ask you a few questions to help us with the case. Is that alright?"

"Yeah," she replied as she placed the pencil into the spine of the book and directed her attention toward the two agents. "What do you want to know?"
"So you found all three bodies," Rossi started as he took a seat across the table. "Isn't that just a little weird."

"I guess so. I just think I was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"But all the victims were found in the middle of the woods."
"I like to go for runs out there."

"You aren't in running clothes," Hotch pointed out.

"My friend brought me a change of clothes."

"Do you know Derek Hale?" Hotch continued.

"Not really. I know of him and I used to see him around town when I was in high school, but I've never interacted with him."

"But you have been involved with his uncle Peter."

"Yes," Lydia replied harshly, showing her dislike of the topic. "He's a manipulative maniac and I prefer not to talk about that."

"One of your friends is his daughter, is that right?" Rossi added.

"Yes, and it doesn't mean I am in contact with them, Malia doesn't even associate with him."

"And another one of you friends is Kate Argent's niece, and she was the one to set the fire at the Hale house."

"Yes, Allison, was Kate's niece, but she had nothing to do with that."

"I see," Rossi acknowledged. "But you were institutionalized in Eichen House for a time period, correct?"
"If that's what you'd call it."

"What would you call it?"



"I would rather not relive the experience."
Before Hotch and Rossi could continue to pester Lydia with questions and accusations, there was a knock on the one way glass.

"Excuse us," Hotch said, before him and Rossi stood and exited the room.

"Ease up man," Morgan started as soon as the door closed behind them. "She clearly has a traumatic past and doesn't want to talk about it."

"We need answers," Hotch replied.

"Give her a break. Let's all go get some coffee and then we'll come back and try again," JJ suggested.

"Just give me a moment," Stiles declared.

The rest of the team left the small viewing room and headed toward the coffee machine. Their voices could be heard as they mulled things over on their way there.

When the team was out of sight, Stiles swiftly moved into the interrogation room. Lydia stood, and Stiles immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"Where were you the other day?" he asked. "I went to the loft and you weren't there."

"I'm sorry," Lydia whispered into his ear.

"God I missed you. I'm so sorry they are being so tough on you. They just really want to figure this all out."

"It's fine, Stiles. I can handle myself. I think I've been through worse than a small interrogation. How are you?"

"I'm good now. I talked with Scott and things are good now, even better now that I'm with you. I really am sorry they keep bringing up all of that."
"I promise I'm fine. Now go before they come back."

Stiles gave her one last hug, and a quick kiss, before he left the room and went to find his team.


Spencer wandered until he found himself back at the Hale house. His mind was overflowing with so many thoughts, he couldn't pinpoint one idea. All he knew was Stiles knew something, and somehow it was tied back to the Hale's.

Why wolf hair, he thought to himself. Wolves? What does this all have to do with wolves?

Reid saw a flash of black in the trees and quickly removed his weapon. "FBI," He called out. "This is a crime scene." He turned the corner of the house and there it was again. That can't be right. There aren't wolves in California. But there it was again, just for a split second, there was a black wolf turning the second corner of the Hale house.

Reid dashed after it, but as he made it around the corner there was no wolf anymore, just a man pulling on a black robe. "Stop," Spencer called out, raising his gun and pointing it toward the man's back. "Turn around."

The man followed Spencer's instructions and slowly turned to face him.

"Derek Hale," Spencer said in surprise.

Spencer began to reach for his hand cuff with his left hand, while still keeping his eyes and gun trained on Derek. In a split second, Derek Hale was no longer standing in front of him, but rather there was a large black wolf sprinting off into the woods.

"What the hell!"

Werewolves, Spencer thought. That doesn't make sense. But then again... I need to look something up.

Spencer quickly placed his gun back in its holster and began to make his way back to the station. He was walking down the path, back to the main road, when a very strong person grabbed a hold of him. They wrapped one arm around his upper body, trapping his arms to his sides, and the other over his mouth as they dragged him away deeper into the woods.

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