Chapter 10- The Coach

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A/N - Sorry it took so long to add this chapter. I have been real busy with college. Also thank you to everyone who has read this, it's my first 'published' story. I have been writing for almost three years now, but its been mostly my own original stories. Honestly it is harder to write this, because the characters aren't mine, so I constantly have to be thinking about what they would do. When I write original characters I already know how they would react to a situation. Anyways thank you for reading and again I am sorry it took this long to get this out.

                                          Chapter 10- The Coach

Stiles went back into the interrogation room and up to Lydia, "Can you call Scott? Tell him to come to the station."

"Yeah," Lydia replied.

Stiles gave her a quick kiss before walking out and past his team.

"Stiles," Morgan called after him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Where is Reid's go-bag?"

"The hotel. Why?"

Stiles continued on to the conference room in hopes that Spencer had left a jacket, but before he got too far Morgan grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Stop. What the hell is going on?! Tell me something! My best friend is out there alone, and now you are saying he's going to die."

"I'm sorry Derek. I seriously can't explain right now. I promise I will, but right now I need a piece of Spencer's clothing."

"No," JJ cut in. "He's right. You have to tell us something."

"You won't believe me if I did. Trust me." Stiles pulled his arm from Morgan's grip and walked into the conference room. He let loose a sigh of relief when he noticed Spencer's jacket on the chair he sat in that morning.

Stiles walked back out of the room to find Scott already there. He quickly pulled the werewolf into his father's office and shut the door behind them.

"What's going on?" Scott asked.

"Spencer is missing."

"What do you need from me?" Scott quickly replied, ready to help his 'brother'.

"I need to tell them. Everything." Stiles punctuated.

"The FBI can't know about any of this."

"Scott, they are going to figure it out. They're smart, and now a team member is in danger. They'll do anything to find him."

Scott sighed. He knew his best friend was right.

"I trust them," Stiles added, "with my life."


"I don't know yet. Can you just take this?" Stiles handed Scott Spencer's jacket. "Follow it. We'll follow you. I'll tell them when we get back."

"Derek is going to be pissed at you."

"He might kill me," Stiles laughed.

"At least then, he'll have a reason to be wanted by the FBI."

Stiles hugged his best friend. "Thanks again, man. I love you. Now get sniffing."

"We'll find him," Scott reassured Stiles.

Both boys walked out of the office to find the BAU standing there, waiting.

"We are trusting you Stiles," Hotch spoke up. "Don't make us regret it."

"Ready to go?" Lydia asked, peeking her head around the corner.

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