Chapter 16- The Nogitsune

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                               Chapter 16- The Nogitusne

"What does that mean," Morgan asked.

Stiles opened his mouth to explain to his team his past, but quickly remembered the pain he caused. He remembered the death, chaos, and horror he pushed onto his friends. He quickly shut his mouth, and tried to mask his emotions, but of course Scott knew.

"You don't have to," Scott reassured him. "We can explain."

Stiles almost sighed in relief. He leaned back against his fathers desk, letting Scott take the floor.

"As Lydia explained, when we saved our parents, we left our minds open. All of us were affected in different ways. I had trouble controlling my shifts again. Allison had hallucinations of her Aunt that affected her shooting. Stiles was affected in a different way."

"When is a door not a door," Stiles piped in. "When it's a jar. My mind was left open, and a very angry and old fox spirit took over."

"It's called a Nogitsune," Lydia added.

"A dark kitsune, or dark fox," Reid explained.

"Originally," Lydia began. "he was summoned into the body of an American soldier at a Japanese-American Internment Camp, during WWII. Corporal Rhys had been burned alive in a riot at the Oak Creek Internment Camp here in Beacon Hills. Noshiko Yukimura, a Kitsune, wanted revenge against the other soldiers that caused his death, but The Nogitsune is an unpredictable spirit and rather than possessing her, it possessed the dead body of Rhys."

"Eventually Noshiko and a werewolf, Satomi, were able to kill him and trap the spirit that left his body in the shape of a fly, but not before he killed everyone at the camp and Eichen House," Scott added. "They buried the jar it was trapped in under the Nemeton, but when we gave power back to it, The Nogitsune escaped."

"There wasn't an internment camp in Beacon Hills during WWII," Reid added in slight confusion."

"There was," Garcia explained, and typing could be heard over the speakers, "but after what they just explained, I can see why that was covered up."

"So after it escaped, what happened?" Emily asked.

"As he would put it, Chaos, Strife, and Pain," Stiles began. "The Nogitsune feeds off those three. He used me as a host body, a vessel, in order to manipulate Scott and the rest of The Pack."

"Pack?" Reid question. "I thought only werewolves could be in a pack."

"My pack is a little different," Scott explained, "but I'll introduce them to you later."

"Anyway," Stiles continued. "I was trapped in my own mind, with zero control. I couldn't read, I couldn't tell when I was sleeping or not, and eventually I stopped sleeping altogether, because that's when he could get to me the most. We didn't know what was happening to me, but he managed to replicate all the symptoms that my mom experienced before we found out she had Frontotemporal Dementia. He tricked us into believing that's what was going on with me, not only with the symptoms, but with scans too."

"What is that," Morgan asked.

"Frontotemporal Dementia is the shrinking of the temporal lobe that leads to dementia and death," Reid explained.

"You know that symbol on the back of my ear you always ask about, Emily?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah the backward five."

"It means self. We all have one," Stiles elaborated pointing at his pack mates. "The Oni, the shadow people we encountered at the school, are essentially demon warriors. They can be summoned by the breaking of a Kitunes' tail. They come out at night in search of the Nogitsune in order to kill the person that it is possessing, that's how they beat it. The Oni perform a check and if they determine you are yourself they leave that mark."

"They came and checked us all," Scott began. "Well all of us but Stiles. At that point we went to the person who created the Oni to get some answers, Noshiko."

"Wait," Hotch said. She's still alive?"

"Kitsunes can live a lot longer, because of the way their healing works."

"Healing?" JJ asked.

"Yeah," Scott answered. "As well as having advanced senses and abilities, werewolves have better healing. I used to have Asthma, but being a werewolf got rid of it."

"After we talked to Noshiko," Lydia cut in, continuing the explanation. "We knew what we were dealing with, and who it was."

"I still had some control at some times at this point, and I decided to admit myself into Eichen House, in order to protect myself and the people I care about."

"How are they equipped to deal with that?" Garcia asked.

"It's not only an asylum," Lydia answered. "They have supernatural beings locked up in there. It's very corrupt. They almost killed me and the whole town by drilling a hole in my head."

"Um... How?" Rossi asked.

"I am a very power banshee, by drilling the hole in my head it enhanced my abilities more. I heard voices screaming at me every second of everyday, as opposed to just whispers like normal. A banshee does not scream when they sense death like people think, we scream to drown out the constant voices. It does usually happen when death is near, because the voices get louder. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and I had to scream. If it wasn't for Parrish, my scream would have been so strong, it would have killed everyone in town."

The BAU team didn't know what to say. Their mouths gaped open in surprise of what Lydia had just described.

"You are telling me that you hear voices in your head all the time," Morgan asked.

Lydia nodded.

"How did Parrish stop your scream?" Emily wanted to know.

"He's the other Harbinger of Death, a Hellhound," Scott explained. "As that being, he was able to muffle the scream in a way."

"Yeah," Lydia said.

"Do you understand what we are up against now?" Stiles asked his teammates.

They nodded.

"Just one question," JJ announced. "You mentioned that the only way to beat this Nogitsune is to kill the person it is using as a host. How did you beat it and save Stiles?"

"Alpha's have an ability to enter someone's mind by tapping their claws into their spine," Scott began to explain. "It is extremely hard and dangerous, but I was able to enter Stiles's mind and take Lydia with me. We together were able to pull Stiles out."

"This resulted in two Stiles' walking around," Lydia explained. "One good, the real Stiles, and one bad, the Nogitsune wearing his face. In the end we were able to beat him by having Scott bite the host body. The Nogitsune couldn't be a werewolf and a kitsune at the same time. It destroyed the body and we trapped him in a mountain ash jar, but someone got to it and set him free."

"Essentially we had to out trick the trickster," Stiles explained.

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