Chapter 18- The Torture

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                                      Chapter 18- The Torture

Spencer and Morgan sat in the Sheriff's office with Stiles and Scott trying to get more information on the Nogitsune, while the rest of the team tried to get some rest back at the hotel. If they were going to beat him again, trick him again, they couldn't just rely on the supernatural side of things. They needed a profile. A way to get inside the human, logical, predictable side of him.

"Wait, you said he tricked Scott into making him stronger. How?" Morgan asked

"Were-wolves can take the pain from someone else. He convinced Scott to take the pain from many people over the course of the day and in the end took all that pain back from Scott," Stiles explained.

"But how did that make him stronger?"

"He feeds off Chaos, Strife, and Pain. The pain he took from me made him stronger."

"Wait, say that again," Reid said.

"The pain..."

"No the other part."

"He feeds off Chaos Strife and Pain."

"That," Reid exclaimed, but didn't continue his thought out loud.

"What are you thinking Reid?" Stiles asked.

"He's a Narcissistic Sadist. Narcissists feed off of chaos. They leave trails of pain behind them in order to get what they want. Sadists enjoy inflicting pain. Not only will he do anything to get what he wants, but he enjoys the pain he causes to get there."

"Okay, so how do we stop him?" Scott asked

"What's his goal?"

"I don't know. Beat us, I guess. Cause us pain."

"Okay how would he do that?" Morgan asked.

"Kill our friends," Stiles cut in.

"Okay, but why that? Why not literally torture you?"

"He enjoys the psychological torture more. The psychological pain," Stiles answered.

"You know how Lydia and I kind of freaked out earlier?"

"Sorry about that by the way," A female voice cut in. "I didn't mean to nearly blow your eardrums out."

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Stiles asked Lydia, who stood in the doorway.

"I can't. I don't know what it is, but something is going to happen."

"I'm going to take it that it's not a good thing if the banshee is telling us something is going to happen," Morgan stated.

Stiles simply shook his head as he moved toward the doorway and gave Lydia a small kiss.

" Scott, what were you saying?" Reid asked, ignoring the banshee's statement.

"That drawing you made. The body the nogitsune is in is the body of someone we lost in our first fight against him. We've lost multiple people over the years, but when we fought him, we lost two our own back to back. The body he is in now is Allison's."

"You mean..." Morgan started, but Stiles cut him off.

"Yeah that Allison.

"So he can possess anybody, even dead ones?"

"Yeah, but it's more beneficial for him to be in a live body."

"So why is he in a dead one now?" Morgan questioned.

"Psychological torture," Reid finished. "If you don't mind me asking who else did you lose that night?"

"Aiden," Lydia answered. "He was originally part of the Alpha pack with his twin brother, Ethan."

"And where is Ethan?"

"In London with Jackson and Issac."

"So they are out of the picture?"

"He won't go out of his way, out of the country, just to use them," Lydia answered.

"Okay, other than causing psychological and physical pain, how else would he attack us?" Morgan asked

"The Oni," Lydia answered. "If he got a hold of a Kitsune's tail and broke it he would have control over the Oni."

"Do you know a Kitsune with a tail?" Reid asked.

"What's a tail?" Morgan asked at the same time.

"A tail is gained by a Kitsune when they reach certain milestones. A Kitsune will create a physical representation of the tail and when it is broken the Oni are released and under the control of the Kitsune who broke the tail."

"Okay so, do you know a Kitsune with tails?" Reid asked again.

"Yeah," Scott responded.

"Who," Morgan asked.

"Kira Yukimura."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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