Chapter 17- The Basics

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                                Chapter 17- The Basics

"Okay, Okay," Reid began, "Obviously there are rules. There has to be. Without them I'm guessing you wouldn't have caught him."

"Or beat any of our past problems for that matter," Stiles tried to whisper under his breath but everyone still heard him.

"So there are rules?" JJ asked

"There are a few overarching ones for all supernatural beings, but each different species has their own set," Scott explained. "All supernatural cannot pass mountain ash. It comes from Rowan wood after being burned. When there is a circle or any shape connected to completion no supernatural will be able to pass into our out of that area."

"There are a few exceptions," Lydia cut in. "Banshee's are still technically human so it doesn't work on them. The only other exceptions are Chimeras, the few people they Dread Doctors created through science and mixing of multiple supernaturals."

"Wait so The Dread Doctors by Gabriel Valack is based on true stories?" Spencer interrupted.

"Not based on," Stiles corrected. "Direct accounts of people's experiences. Valack designed the book to jog your memory of the experiences you have had with them, if you have had one."

"You dealt with them?" Emily asked in surprise. "And before you ask, Reid talked about it so much when he read it, I got interested. I think it's the only book that took him days to read."

"Yeah it's designed that way," Lydia explained.

"Anyway, yeah we dealt with them and their creations including the Beast of Gevaudan, but those are stories for another time," Stiles explained. "Back to the rules. Most were-creatures like Werewolves, Werecyotes, etc. are also affected by Wolfsbane or basically any other plant in mythology that affects werewolves."

"Or any plant that just affects normal wolves," Derek added. "We can do incredible things but they come at a cost. We can heal super fast and our senses are better in a million ways, but there is always something out there that wants to kill us. This life is risky."

"Okay, so any other rules for this Nogitsune that we should know about?" Morgan asked.

"It feeds off chaos, pain, and strife, without it he doesn"t get stronger. He tricked me last time into taking the pain from others and in the end took all of it from me to grow stronger."

"You can take pain?!" Penelope's voice sounded over the computer's speakers.

"Yeah, but if you take too much it will kill you. Always a cost," Scot replied.

"Like Werewolves, Werecoyotes, and Kitsunes, the Nogitsune is affected by Wolf Lichen. The only other weaknesses it has is that a change in host will get rid of it, and the Oni."

"So we are back to square one," Morgan half complained.

"No," Spencer corrected. "We were never to square two."

"Well I mean they have beat him once so," Emily added.

"We still have to figure out how to trick him again. He won't fall for the same thing twice. He's playing with us. He knows how to get to us and will use that," Scott explained.

"Not to be rude, but he knows how to get to you," Hotch cut in.

"It won't take him long to figure out how to do the same to you," Stiles explained.

"He may be supernatural, but his mind still works the same," Spencer began. "He got mad every time I answered a riddle, he doesn't only have supernatural weaknesses he has psychological ones too. Let us do what we do best. Let us create a profile."

A/N- Sorry for the short chapter. I started school again so that's been my main focus. I will get chapters out when I get enough time to write.

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