Chapter5-the end of the Beginning

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" i think I'm ready to go back." I said to my mom as I sat down next to her on the couch.

My mom and I have been traveling for 4 years. And I was getting tired. I got over Hope. So I thought that It would be nice to go back

C:" are you sure?"

J:" yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm over Hope and we've been traveling for 4 years now. I had my time off and college is starting soon. I think it's time to go back." (Btw Josie was 15 when she left.)

C:" okay. But just don't avoid Hope."

J:" i won't. If she's still there I'll try to be her friend. But if she doesn't want to be then I'll respect her decision."

She nodded in response.

J:" i guess this is the end."

C:" more like the end of the beginning. Things aren't ending for you yet. So it's simply the end of the beginning." She gave me a warm smile and I hugged her.

J:" thank you for everything, mom."

C:" no need to thank me. I would do this again. But just not for 4 years. Because I'm getting old sweetie."

We laughed.

J:" you still look like you're 20."

C:" that's because I haven't lost my glow yet."

I honestly wanted this to last forever. It was nice to just have me and my mom. I loved Lizzie and my dad. But it felt good to have the attention of my mom after all the years of being in the shadow of Lizzie.

J:" so, when are we leaving?"

C:" I don't know. Tomorrow maybe. Let's just enjoy the today. Get ready."

I got up and dressed into something nice but comfortable.

J:" okay, where are we going?"

C:" I don't know yet. But something fun."

We spent all day shopping. I was excited to go back mostly because I wanted to see if Jade was still there. I actually really liked Jade. I couldn't get her out of head ever since I first saw her.

We went back to the hotel and put our stuff away.

C:" okay, Josie, I just booked a flight for tomorrow. I'll call your dad and tell him."

I nodded and went to bed. It was 11:30 and I was really tired. Right as I closed my eyes i fell asleep.

I woke up to my mom shaking me violently.

C:" Josie get up. We're going to be late if you don't."

Late for what? I asked myself

Then I realized that today was the day we were going back.

I quickly got up and put a clean pair of clothes on before grabbing my bags.

C:" you ready?"

J:" yup."

C:" okay, let's go."

We left the hotel room and checked out in a hurry. When we got to the airport we practically ran to get on the plane.

When we made it on we took our seats.

C:" how are you feeling?"

J:" nervios and excited. You?"

C:" tired and hungry. Oh, my god. The first thing we're going to do is go get lunch at the Mystic Grill."

J:" yes. I miss the food from there."

We talk for the rest of the time. When we landed we looked for my dad. When we found him we hugged and talked a little about what was gonna happen.

A:" okay let's get you two lady's home."

J:" home?"

A:" for now you're going to have a dorm room at school, but when the house that I'm getting built near the school is done. You'll live there, until you go to college. And I got you in a college near the by. Lucky Lizzie, Hope, and Mg are all gonna go there."

J:" oh, okay. Thanks, dad."

A:" mhm. Let's go."

C:" wait, Alaric, can you take us to the grill? We were craving it earlier."

A:" yeah sure. But let call Lizzie first."

He called Lizzie and told her to meet them at the grill.

When we got there Hope and Lizzie were sitting at table. When I saw Hope, I felt nervous, and I got a weird feeling. I was getting butterflies.

J:" fuck." I mumbled to myself.

I smiled and went over to them.

A:" we'll leave you girls alone." He said as he gave us a warm smile.

My mom and dad left and it was just me, Lizzie and Hope. Great.

Act normal Josie. I told myself.

Li:" so Josie, did you meet anyone special?"

J:" nope. And if I did, why would it concern you?"

Li:" oh, you met someone. Who?"

J:" i didn't met anyone special. I wasn't looking for any type of relationship."

H:" are you now."

J:" nope. I'm happy being single." Totally happy.

We talked and ate for a couple hours. When it was a little past seven we went back to the school.

A:" Josie I'll show you to your room."

I nodded and he led me to my room. When he left I unpacked my stuff. And tried to sleep. When I heard a knock. I groaned as I got up.

I opened the door to see...


I'm so sorry for not posting this sooner. I've just been busy. And I'm with my family right now. So it's a little hard to write when they're here. Also sorry if I miss-spelled any words. I was writing this in a rush.


Still falling for you [HOSIE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant