Chapter16-one more chance

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Rebekah's POV

I turned to face her.

R:" what do you want?"

K:" I want to talk to you."

R:" well I don't."

K:" please."

R:" have three minutes."

Everyone inside the house came out.

Hope's POV

I saw Katherine head outside after my aunt so I walked out shortly after. Lizzie, Josie, Bonnie and Caroline also followed.

K:" Rebekah I'm so sorry. I messed up. I really fucking messed up. I know I shouldn't have cheated on you. And I keep beating myself up for it. I still love you and I hate that I can't get over you."

C:" you think we should stop them?"

B:" what if they make up?"

H:" I doubt it."

R:" maybe you should try harder. Stop thinking about me. Simple"

K:" I can't! You've taken over my mind, Rebekah! Do you not think about me?! Do you not have and feelings for me at all?!"

R:" I love you, Katherine! And I hate myself for it! Because I have spent so much time trying to get over you! But I can't. I can't get over you and I hate it."

K:" Then stop! Stop trying to get over me! Why can't you just give me another chance?! I've changed Bex!"

R:" I'm scared! I'm scared of getting hurt again. You hurt me in ways no one else could. And I don't wanna get hurt like that. Not now, not ever."

Katherine walked towards my aunt and cupped her cheeks.

B:" why didn't anyone get popcorn?" Bonnie whispered to us.

Li:" I would so get some. But this is too good."

K:" I won't hurt you again. I don't know what I was thinking back then, but I'm different. I am not the same person I was years ago. Trust me."

R:" I don't know."

K:" one last chance. I promise that I will make you happy and I won't make you regret it."

My aunt quickly looked over at me and I nodded. I believed Katherine had changed. And I wanted my aunt to be happy.

R:" one more chance. That's all you get. One chance. So don't screw it up."

Katherine and my aunt kissed.

B:" we should probably give them some privacy."

Li:" before we do, Get It Rebekah!"

We laughed and went inside

We spent all day talk talking about the future and played bored games. I would sometimes catch Josie staring at me, which made me blush.

"God what are you doing to me, Josie Saltzman?"

After the day my aunt and Lizzie left. Katherine and Bonnie had gone to their hotel. And Caroline had fallen asleep earlier.

It was just me and Josie awake.

H:" hey, can we talk?" I said as went into her room.

J:" sure? What about?"

H:" the kiss."

J:" I'm sorry. I know it shouldn't have happened."

H:" do you regret it?"

J:" no. I just think we shouldn't have kissed."

H:" so you don't regret it?"

J:" what's your point, Hope?"

H:" I know you spent years trying to get over me, but I love you. I've loved you since I was 14. I was just scared of what would happen if I told you. And when Landon came and we started dating, I thought that would get rid of my feelings for you, but it didn't. Then when you're sister and I started ignoring you I felt like I wanted to die. Not talking to you for so long felt horrible. But I had to keep up my act. And when me and Landon broke up, I was heartbroken. Even though I didn't love him way I love you, it still hurt. And I guess I was coping by push people away. Especially you."

I stopped to catch my breath

H:" I'm sorry. I feel like that was unnecessarily long. What I am trying say is I've loved you for years but I didn't act on it because I was scared of so many thing, but I'm not anymore. I love you Josie Saltzman. And I could say that a million times and not give a care in the word."

Josie just looked at me. I couldn't tell if she was happy or mad. Which made me really nervous. I didn't know how she was feeling and I got scared.

H:" say something. Please."

J:"... I love you. God I love you so much,"

At the sound of those words made me smile.

J:" And as much as I wanna deny it, my love for you will always be there for you. I know I can't get rid of these feelings, so now that I know that you love me, why don't we act on it..?"

Idk what to say. But bye 👋


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