Chapter 17-i'll make it up to you

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J:" so why don't we act on it?"

Before she could say or do anything else I got a called from my Dad.

I picked it up

H:" hey dad. What's up."

K:" hey. I just made it to the airport, but your aunt isn't here. And she's not answering her phone."

H:" oh, she must've forgotten. She was pretty busy with Katherine earlier."

K:" what? They made up."

H:" yeah. But it was more like made out."

K:" girls."

H:" tell me about it."

K:" can you come get me?"

H:" I- sure."

K:" okay, see you in a little."

H:" mhm." I hung up and looked at Josie.

J:" you have to go, don't you?"

H:" I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. I promise." I leaned down and kissed her on the lips before running out.

I went to pick up my dad, and on our way out I ran into someone I thought I would never see again.

H:" Landon."

Landon left after he broke up with me. He said he didn't want to be anywhere near me.

L:" Hope. You look... good."

H:" thank you? Umm, you don't look too bad yourself."

L:" how have you been?"

H:" good. You?"

L:" honestly, not so good. I miss you. Can we try this again?"

H:" I- uh.."

K:" Hope, can we go? I'm tried and we have big plans with your aunt tomorrow."

H:" okay. I have to go Landon. See you around."

L:" yeah, okay, bye."

My dad and I walked out and drove to his hotel in silence. When he to settled in, I drove back to Caroline's house.

When I got there I went straight to Josie's room, just to find Josie was sleeping. She looked peaceful and cute. I didn't want to wake her up so I quietly walked to her and kissed the top of her head and went back to my room.

I was awakened by a knock at my door two hours later. The door opened to reveal Josie standing there.

She didn't say anything, just walked to my bed and laid down. I followed behind her and laid down next to her.

J:" Hope, can you please hug me."

I slipped my hand around her waist and hugged her tight. Soon enough I fell asleep.

When I woke up Josie was still sleeping, I got a text from my aunt it said to met up at the Grill.
I got out of bed and quickly changed I to some clean clothes. As I was leaving I left a sticky note on the door telling Josie where I was going.

When I arrived at the grill my aunt and dad were eating.

H:" hey guys, what's up?"

K:" sit."

I sat down beside my dad.

R:" you're father and I were think of having a party."

K:" yeah, the old Mikaelson mansion is still up and I'm giving it to you. So we're thinking of throwing a welcoming party. If that makes any sense."

H:" Yeah, that'd be great, just why are you giving it to me?"

R:" you're an only child. Plus you live here. And what if you decide not to move to New Orleans? You'll have a great house here."

H:" I don't know what to say."

K:" just say that you'll take the mansion."

H:" okay, I'll take it."


I heard a familiar voice call out my name. I turned about to face them.

H:" Landon.."

L:" can we talk outside real quick."

H:" sure."

I got up and went outside.

L:" Hope I can't stop thinking about you, and  I still love you. Do you think we could give this another try?"

H:" I don't think so."

He slowly placed his hand on my cheek.

L:" i know that i hurt you, but I've changed. Just one more chance." He said as he got closer to me.

Before I could do something his lips were on mine. He kissed me.

Josie's POV

When I woke up I was all alone. Hope had left. I got up to leave, but when I reached the door there was a sticky note.

Hey jo, sorry I couldn't wake up next to you. My aunt texted me to meet her at the Grill. So that's we're I'm at right now. But I'll be back soon.

I put the note away and went to my room. I was waiting for her to get back, but I got bored so I just decided to surprise her. I got ready and went to the Grill.

Before I could reach the entrance I saw Landon and Hope kissing.

J:" oh.. oh my god." I whispered as I walked away, holding back my tears.

When I got home I went to her room and waited for her. I couldn't hold back my tears at that point. I was sobbing. After about 30 minutes Hope got back.

J:" how could you?"

H:" Josie what happened? What did I do?"

J:" you kissed him. You kissed Landon."

H:" Josie it wasn't what it looked like, I swear. Just let me explain."

J:" god, how could I be so stupid. It was always going to be him. I was never good enough for you."

I ran out of her room and into mine. I locked the door and went to sit on my bed.

H:" Josie let me explain."

J:" just got away hope."

Hope's POV

I was standing outside of Josie's room pleading for her to let me in.

H:" Josie he kissed me. I pushed him off. I didn't know he was gonna do that. I refused when he asked if he could have another chance."

I thought with that she would open the door, but she didn't. I couldn't hear anything. I ran down stairs and grabbed the key that Caroline keeps for Josie's door. I ran upstairs and unlocked the door. Josie's window was wide open and she was gone.

H:" fuck..."

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