Chapter 1-Goodbye Hope

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Josie's POV

After I confessed that I had feelings for Hope, and everything else, Lizzie and Hope stopped talking to me. I tried multiple times to talk to them, but they didn't respond. I stopped trying to talk to them after a while. I didn't talk to anyone, unless I needed to. Lizzie and I stopped hanging out. When she was in the room at night, I went to hang out outside and look at the stars, until I knew she was asleep. Lizzie and Hope started hanging out more.

When Landon and Hope broke up, I went to Hope's room to see how she was. I knocked on the door. No response. I knew she was in there, so I knocked again. This time she answered. H:" what do you want, Josie?" I could see that her eyes were red and puffy.

J:" I just wanted to see how you're doing." I said in a concerned voice.

H:" I'm doing fine. Now can you leave?"

J:" I know you probably hate me, but I know that you're not. Please talk to me."

H:" I don't wanna talk to you."

J:" Then talk to someone."

H:" No. Now leave." She started to get angry.

J:" Hope.."  

H:" I said leave." She slammed the door in my face.

I went back to my room. And I saw the one person I didn't want to see; Lizzie. Li:" You tried to talk to her, didn't you?" She had her arms crossed while she sat on her bed.

J:" Yeah. She slammed the door in my face." I said while walking towards my bed.

Li:" Josie leave her alone. She doesn't want to talk to you, okay? Just let it be. I don't want you to make anything worse than it already is. All you do is get in the way. I'll go talk to her." She got up from her bed and walked towards the door.

J:" okay." When she left I called my mom. When we finished our conversation, I went to my dad's office. I knocked on the door twice. I heard a 'come in' from the other side of the door, so I opened it. My dad(Alaric) looked up from his paperwork.

A:" hey sweetie, what's up?" He looked back down.

J:" I'm leaving the school." I started to rub the back of my neck. I was nervous about how he was going to react.

A:" what?!" He look back up at me.

J:" dad, I can't stay here. Lizzie's  right. All I do is get in the way. whether you like it or not, I'm leaving tomorrow. Mom is coming and I'm leaving with her." I stopped rubbing the back of my neck, but I started to bite my bottom lip.

A:" Josie please don't go." He got up from his chair and slowly started walking towards me.

J:" I'm sorry dad, but I have to go. It'll be better for everyone." He looked really sad, but I knew I was doing the right thing.

I left his office and went back to my room. I grabbed my backpack and went to my classes. The day went by quickly, well not my last class. When school ended, I went back to the room, and started to pack up my clothes and some other things I needed. Lizzie came into the room.

Li:" what's that for?"

J:" I'm leaving." I was trying to keep my tears in.

Li:" what? When?" She sounded like she didn't care at all.

J: uh..tomorrow." I made eye contact with her.

Li:" why are you leaving?"

J:" reasons." I broke the eye contact and continued packing.

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