Chapter 13-i know your secret, Mikaelson

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Hope's POV

I was in my dorm room sitting on my bed all alone. Josie and Maya were at the library studying for an exam that was coming up. Everything was perfectly fine, until Jade came in.

Ja:" i know your secret, Mikaelson."

H:" which is what exactly?"

Ja:" i know you have feelings for my girlfriend. I know you love her. And let me tell you, she is never gonna be with someone like you. You are never gonna be the one. So stay away from her. No one actually likes you, Hope. No one. And I'm really glad that your uncle Elijah isn't here to see what a disappointment you are."

Little did Jade know that my aunt Rebekah and Lizzie were standing right behind her.

R:" what did you just say to her?! She is not a disappointment! Hope is a smart young woman who is loved my many people! And don't you dare mention her uncle, you little piece of-"

She was gonna say more, but I stopped her.

H:" I'm sorry, but who do you think you are?!You can't just came into MY dorm room and accusing me of having feelings for your girlfriend-MY best friend! If I tell Josie right now what you said to me she would leave you in a heartbeat. I honestly have no clue what she sees in you. Do you even love her?! Cause it sure as hell doesn't seem like it. You flirt with Penelope right in front of Josie like it's nothing. And she just plays it off as you being "friendly". Well I'm sick and tired of you and everything that you do to her. Maybe you should be the one who should stay away from her. Now get out of my room, asshole."

Jade had a look of pure rage in her eyes. But she just left and I had to leave as well. I went outside to get some fresh air, and my aunt and Lizzie followed me.

I sat down on a bench near the entrance.

R:" Hope? You okay?"

H:" I'm fine. I just can't believe her. Coming into my room like she owns the place." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

H:" then telling me all that. It's just unbelievable."

They didn't say anything else just sat next to me

Josie's POV

Maya and I were studying at the library 'cause we had a couple exams to do the next day.

J:" i gonna fail." I groan as I slammed my book closed.

M:" jo you're not gonna fail. We've been studying all day. I think we'll be fine."

I sighed and looked at her.

Maya and I haven't had one break since 7 in the morning. It's 5 in the afternoon. About ten hours of studying nonstop. And I hated every second of it.

J:" can I go. I haven't talk to Hope all day. And I kinda miss her."

Maya signed and closed her book.

M:" yes Josie. You can go talk to the woman who you're clearly In love with."

J:" what?"

M:" nothing-just go before I change my mind."

I got up and left. When I got to the dorm, Hope wasn't in there and I couldn't call her because her phone was on her bed. So I went to Lizzie's room instead. I wanted to see if Hope was in there. And if not I would just talk to Jade instead.

"If she's not there and Jade is, just act like you were gonna talk to Jade originally." I thought to myself as I made my way to her dorm room.

When I got close to her room I could hear some weird noises..


Sorry for that short chapter. Next one will be longer! I promise. I already technically finished the rest of the book. So I'll post the next couple chapters soon.

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