a love like you

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I want a love like you.

We would sit under the lemon bright sun in the grassy plains of Italy talking until the hours escaped us. You would tell me your dry humor jokes and I would laugh while you beamed stunningly at me, knowing I was the only one who understood them. Every so often you would randomly call me cute, and I would blush like a goddamn fool every single time because I never got used to it.

Sometimes you would read to me, showing me all your favorite quotes, highlighting in fluorescent pink the ones that reminded you of me. When you were done, you would lean over and kiss me with a lazy grace, telling me I was more beautiful than the galaxy itself and for a moment we would get lost in each other.

Our legs would intertwine as I laid freely on the soft bed of grass, you on top of me, our feet playing footsies, your hands in my hands above my head. We'd kiss some more, murmuring sweet nothings, utterly intoxicated with each other. You'd smile crookedly as you do and I would catch myself staring because you were just something amazing entirely.

What we would have would be flawed in the most perfect way. It would be a dream.

When we argued or bickered I'd stalk down the flower-infused hill, tears burning my sky blue irises so you didn't see me cry. But I never made it to the bottom, you'd always catch me halfway, pulling me back to your solid chest whispering sorry into my ears all the while pecking sultry sweet kisses down my neck. I'd forgive you as you wiped my salty stained cheeks, guiding me back up the hill.

When we reached the top again, you'd tell me to close my eyes. As the minutes passed, I'd grow impatient but you'd say you were almost done. When you finally told me I could open them, I'd see the crown of tied-together tulips you made me that made my heart leap as you placed it on top of my head. It took you forever to make it but that never stopped you as long as it made me happy.

You'd say you loved me again and again until I smiled so big my cheeks ached. And when all was forgotten, I'd close my eyes and breathe in the warm musk coated air wondering how in the world I met you and how you could ever love a girl like me.

What I failed to remember was, you were just a reverie all in my head because the moment I opened my eyes, I looked for you and you weren't there. I made you up, spending so much time creating you, that I'd forgotten you weren't real.

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