mama's first

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Mama loved you lots, especially since you were her first baby. You made her a mama, so you were special.

I was the second, just born because she was suffering from baby fever. A baby, but not as special as you.

She pampered you with kisses and fresh yummy biscuits. She loved you with pretty smiles and gentle eyes. It was clear she loved you so.

She loved me too but it wasn't the same. You and me would fight and I would get in trouble, she'd ask me why I had to be such a hassle and I'd cry.

You were faultless in her eyes, and I was the one who had flaws. You'd pull my hair and she would tell you to stop. But she would tell me to stop being a baby.

Mama would put away your clothes and clean your room, she'd even give you money whenever you asked.

I always put away my clothes and kept my room tidy. When I asked for money, she'd tell me she was broke. She'd tell me she wasn't made of money.

You were mama's first so when you excelled in athletics, she'd tell the world how proud of you she was. I was good too but I was the second, so when I earned an award I just got a 'good job sweetheart'.

You reminded mama of dad, she'd always tell you you were just like him. You were her handsome boy and everyone knew it.

I was shy, where you were outgoing. I was needy where you were independent. You were everything I wasn't.

You were special, I was adequate. You were mama's perfect boy. I was mama's hassle.

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