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I am lost but I know exactly where I am
On main street in the middle of the night
Walking the solid bold yellow line dividing the road
Stumbling about as I attempt to walk straight
Because I am sober but not
My mind is here and seeing with vivid crystal vision
But my body is a noodle drunk on cheap wine
My throat a mixed melody of myriad giggles

And I am swaying in the road
Hoping—wishing to feel something

So when a car comes racing down the boulevard
I'm not scared—to get hit—to get hurt—to die
I'm not afraid for my life
I'm not afraid of their deadly speed
I'm not afraid of anything

I feel invincible, confident
That the car can't hurt me
I know it can't
Because nothing could ever compare
To what you did to me

What you taken
What you destroyed
What you left behind

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