label us not

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Don't call women beautiful.

We are not an object and don't want to be defined as such because you're attracted to us by the way we look. The word is irrelevant and is a clumsy way to fancy us when inside we are so much more than a pretty label. Women are not beautiful, we are extraordinary. If your want to compliment us, invest yourself in making the effort to get to know us. Learn our hobbies and interests, learn our favorite books and why exactly we love them, learn what brings a smile to our face and tears to our eyes. Don't call us beautiful because you see us as pretty dolls placed on a shelf.

Beauty doesn't define our strength and our intelligence. Strength and intelligence are what defines our beauty. We have so many parts to us the word 'beautiful' doesn't even reach because we are more than that.

Beautiful isn't a compliment. Getting to see what's inside us is.

Don't get me wrong all women are beautiful but they are beautiful because of the heart that beats in their chest. Not because their face is pleasant or their body is nice to look at.

Remember that.

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