faux gods

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To the boys who think they are God's

You can correct our grammar and point out our flaws while you sit on a throne crafted of gold in your impressive castle.

You can drink your exquisite red wine glass after glass and order your paper soldiers to do your bidding for those inferior.

You can act high and mighty, punish those who question your authority. You can belittle and prey upon them as if they are speckles of dirt on your gleaming pristine boots.

You can do as you will pretending you are all things righteous and perfect. You can, you can, you can. For this is a free country and you call yourself king.


You can't break a single girl made of sleek obsidian glazed in iron who is made of the hottest fury encrusted with pearls from the iciest ocean.

And if you can't break a single girl, what makes you think you can conquer an army of them?

Wage your war king, destroy and demolish, ransack and ruin. They will fight and bleed just as your men do. They will kill and slay and release their shadows you tried to keep caged inside.

They will become wrath in the day breaking light, for they will not hide as you do upon that pedestal. These girls are not queens or goddesses, they are another species who will not bow to a coward bathed in silks and jewels.

These girls are what the world ought to be, these girls are leather and smoke, berries and butterflies. They are beauty in all forms, unafraid, and equally raged. Filled with courage and born with self-worth.

These girls will die fighting before you ever shackle their hands and feet in chains and sow their mouths closed.

These girls are what true strength is. They don't even have to pretend. And that terrifies you.

We are air and water, soil and sunshine. We are earth's creatures and we will prevail.

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