09. Surprise Champions

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CHAPTER NINE:Surprise Champions

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Surprise Champions

        ONCE TARA AND LEE HAD GOTTEN THE TWINS TO STOP TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER, THEY TOOK THEM STRAIGHT TO MADAM POMFREY. Tara and Lee had been trying to hold back their laughter every time they caught a glimpse of their frosty white hair and matching beards, much to the twins' dismay.

        When the four Gryffindors walked into the Hospital Wing they saw Madam Pomfrey already tending to some younger students who had tried to fool the Goblet of Fire, but when the Healer had seen the twins sporting white hair and beards, she couldn't help but let out a loud laugh at the sight.

        "Seems like the ageing potion didn't work," Madam Pomfrey said with a small smile and the twins scowled a little, but Tara only chuckled at the Healer's comment. "Just sit over here and I'll fix it up in no time," Madam Pomfrey instructed before bustling off to tend to another one of her patients. Fred and George sat on one of the beds and Tara sat between them, running her hands through their wirey hair.

        "At least we know you'll be handsome grandads," Tara teased and their cheeks turned pink as Lee burst into laughter.

        "You know, I'm glad that I didn't join you two, these dreads would look terrible if they were white," Lee said with a shudder as he patted his hair almost lovingly, Tara smirked in amusement and let out a chuckle.

        "I'd have to agree with you on that one, Lee," Tara said with a grin and the group fell into a comfortable silence as they waited for Madam Pomfrey to return. She did shortly and gave Fred and George a potion each to reverse the effects of the curse-like magic that the Goblet of Fire put on the twins.

        "I wish I showed Angelina my beard, do you think she'd be impressed?" Fred asked the others when they left the Hospital Wing and headed back to the Great Hall where dinner would soon be served, not to mention the choosing of the three Champions for the Triwizard Tournament.

        "I don't think she'd be impressed," Tara said with a teasing grin and Fred scowled at her, nudging her ribs lightly with his elbow causing her to glare at him. Lee opened the doors to the Great Hall and entering with the Weasley triplets following closely behind, just in time to see Angelina submitting her name into the Goblet of Fire.

        Tara saw Fred's jaw drop in awe at the girl who had just laid eyes on the four, making her way over with a wide grin on her face. Tara couldn't stop herself from wrapping her arms around Angelina in an embrace, squealing in excitement as she did so.

        "Congratulations!" Tara said, smiling at her friend who looked proud of what she had just done. Angelina thanked her before looking back at the twins and Lee, a small smirk making its way onto her face.

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