05. False Accusations

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CHAPTER FIVE:False Accusations

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False Accusations

          DESPITE THE INCIDENT AT THE WORLD CUP BEING DAYS AGO, TARA WAS STILL CONCERNED. When Cedric and her were cornered by a Death Eater, Cedric had claimed that fire had flown from her hands, and that was certainly not normal.

        As soon as she had arrived home with her family that night, her mother had healed up her burns immediately, although had questioned as to how she had received them. Tara, not wanting to disclose that she could shoot fire from her hands when about to be cursed by a Death Eater, simply said that she fell onto a smouldering tent, and much to her surprise, Molly believed her.

            Tara had practically begged Cedric not to mention the incident to anyone, and to her relief, he agreed, but he suggested that she should see Dumbledore about it sooner than later, he even offered to go with her and she knew that when the time came, she would take him up on that offer. The assumed bug bite that Tara noticed on her wrist at the World Cup had now grown from the size of a knut to the size of a sickle. She didn't know what was going on, but something was not right, but she didn't want to tell anyone about it just yet, thinking that she'd probably sound like a complete nutter.

            Maggie and Tara were happily chatting in the compartment that they had taken over on the Hogwarts Express while Brielle was stuck at a boring prefect meeting. Tara remembered how Percy, who had somehow managed to get the position as head boy, practically made all the prefects' lives hell the year before, and Brielle complained about him a lot, not that Tara minded, she was just thankful not to be in Brielle's position.

            "So, how was the World Cup? You know, before the attack," Maggie had asked Tara who paled a little at the mention of it due to the fire incident. Maggie noticed the small change in Tara's demeanour but didn't think much of it.

            "It was amazing! The game was incredible to watch and it was a lot of fun," Tara said, forgetting entirely about the attack that had occurred after the game. Ever since the World Cup also found her mind wandering to Cedric Diggory, although she had no clue as to why and she certainly wasn't about to disclose that to Maggie, or anyone for that matter.

        "Well that's good," Maggie said, and a gentle knock on their compartment door was heard. It was Ginny, and Maggie smiled, she had always liked the youngest Weasley. "Hi, Ginny!" Maggie said, standing up and pulling her into a warm embrace.

            "Hi, Mags," Ginny said as she hugged the older girl back. "Tara, I came because Fred and George are testing Weasley's Wizard Wheezes on first years," she said once Maggie had let go of her. Maggie looked confused.

            "What are Weasley's Wizard Wheezes?" Maggie asked and Tara grinned.

            "You'll see," Tara said, gesturing for Ginny to lead the way and for Maggie to follow them. Fred, George, and Lee were only one carriage further up the train, and sure enough, a bunch of first years were standing in the corridor outside one of the compartments. Tara, Ginny, and Maggie pushed through the group and entered the compartment where the three boys were grinning with glee.

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