00. Prologue

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PROLOGUE:Girl Almighty

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Girl Almighty

HAVING SIX BROTHERS WAS NOT ALWAYS THE EASIEST THING FOR TARA AND GINNY WEASLEY. Tara, being the older triplet to Fred and George (only by fewer than ten minutes, not that it stopped her from skiting about it), absolutely loved that she had a younger sister. As much as she loved each and every one of her brothers and got along surprisingly well with each of them, she simply couldn't connect with them as much as she did with Ginny, even despite the three year age gap. To be more specific, she couldn't talk about girl stuff with her brothers, and if she did, they would never let her live it down.

Tara and Ginny had that rare sisterly relationship where they didn't fight, nor did they get on each other's nerves at all. In a house filled with the majority being male, the two were extremely grateful to have the other around. The two girls even shared a bedroom, not that either of them minded, in fact, they were actually very happy with the arrangement, and it certainly was not just because their room was the largest in the Burrow by far.

The Weasley children had always been eager to attend Hogwarts, but that was expected. All throughout their childhoods, they had heard the many, many stories about Hogwarts from Molly and Arthur. When Bill, the eldest of the Weasley children, received his Hogwarts letter, all of his siblings were filled with what was a mixture of awe and jealousy. Only Arthur, Bill, and Charlie visited Diagon Alley that day, it wasn't that Molly didn't want to go, but Ginny was only a year old at the time.

The triplets were extremely frustrated by the time Percy received his letter, two years seemed like a long time to wait until their letters came, but their older brothers assured them that the time would pass quickly. Sure enough, on April 1st of 1989, the triplet's eleventh birthday, three letters made from a yellowish coloured parchment arrived at the Burrow.

Tara was quick to tell Ginny and Ron, insisting that they sat with her as she tore open her Hogwarts letter. Her name and postal address were written neatly on the envelope in an unusual green ink, and on the back of the envelope was a purple wax seal with the Hogwarts crest embedded on it. The crest consisted of a badger, a snake, a lion, and an eagle with a large 'H' in the middle of them. So far, all the Weasley's that had already attended Hogwarts had been sorted into Gryffindor, something that the triplets hoped would also happen to them.

From the first time that Cedric Diggory's eyes landed on Tara Weasley, he was completely in awe of her, yet no one suspected a thing (except for Cedric's closest friend, of course). The Sorting Ceremony of 1989 was largely uneventful and ordinary as most were, but that was until the Weasley triplets were all sorted into the house of Gryffindor. Fred and George were both instantly placed in the house of the crimson and gold as soon as the Sorting Hat touched their ginger-haired heads, but it took a little longer with Tara. That was the first time that Cedric Diggory saw her, but it wasn't only his attention that was caught.

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