03. Stupid Bets

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Stupid Bets

TARA WAS RELIEVED TO SEE THAT THE CAMPSITE WAS ONLY A SHORT WALK FROM WHERE THEY HAD ARRIVED BY PORTKEY. Tara, who was already on her feet thanks to Cedric, quickly helped Fred, George, and Ginny to their feet before following their father down the short slope to the campsite.

"Keep up kids!" Arthur had called, Ginny and Tara shared a look of excitement as they hurried to catch up to their father. "Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" he exclaimed as two people on broomsticks whizzed past which brought a grin to spread across Tara's lips.

Past the campsite which was filled with thousands of people who were excitedly waving Bulgarian or Irish flags, Tara could see the Quidditch stadium on the hilltop, the bright sunlight reflecting off it. Arthur and Amos set off and weaved their way through the crowd, Tara saw Cedric and sent him a smile before focusing her attention to a busker who was playing some form of an Irish jig. She ducked down when she saw a man clad in Bulgarian colours, red and black, nearly fall off his broom as he whizzed past the group.

"Blimey!" she heard Arthur exclaim as he too had to duck down to avoid being hit. Tara wished she had brought her broom with her. She looked back to see Fred, George, and Cedric laughing and having what seemed to be a pleasant conversation with the Hufflepuff and she smiled, it seemed that they had let their grudge go for the time being which she was glad about given that they would be sitting together at the match.

"Parting of the ways, old chap!" Amos said as he shook Arthur's hand before calling to Cedric to join him.

"See you at the match!" Arthur said as he shook Cedric's hand.

"See you later, Cedric!" Fred and George called with a wave and Tara laughed, sending the Hufflepuff a wave herself before she shared a look with the twins.

"So I see you've dropped your grudge," Tara commented with a smirk as they weaved through the many tents and people.

"Yeah, suppose it's not really his fault that we lost last year," George said with a grin and Tara rolled her eyes at him. She then noticed her father come to a stop before a small tent, out the front was a small sign that had been hammered into the ground that read Weezly.

Tara laughed at the misspelling of her surname. "Iconic," she muttered before looking back to her father who had lifted the flap of the small tent and gestured for them to enter.

"Home sweet home," he said with a smile, the triplets looked at each other in confusion, all wondering the same thing. Fred shrugged before crouching down slightly and entering the tent, George, Tara, and the others doing the same. Tara's jaw dropped slightly in awe at the tent which had been charmed to be the size of a small flat inside.

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