02. Morning Hikes

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CHAPTER TWO:Morning Hikes

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Morning Hikes

TARA FELT AS IF SHE HAD JUST FALLEN ASLEEP WHEN SHE WAS BEING SHAKEN AWAKE BY HER MOTHER. It must have been about four o'clock as it was still fully dark outside, oh how Tara wished she could apparate!

"Time to go, Tara," she whispered before moving away to wake Ginny who was still soundly asleep. Tara wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked around her dimly lit room and seeing Hermione by the door.

"Morning Tara," Hermione said cheerily and Tara groaned in response before throwing her comforter off her legs, swinging them to the side of her bed before standing up and stretching her arms above her head. She grimaced when she heard a few cracks and clicks as she did so.

"Tara, Hermione, can you wake the boys?" Molly asked as she was still struggling to wake Ginny. Tara nodded in response before walking over to Hermione and leading the way to Ron's bedroom, which was just next door to Tara and Ginny's.

"You wake those two up, I'll wake Fred and George," Tara explained before walking down the narrow hall to the twins' bedroom. They were fast asleep and sprawled across their seemingly tiny beds. Tara went to George first and put a hand on his shoulder, shaking it gently in hopes to wake him.

"George, wake up!" Tara said as she continued to shake him. He groaned, indicating to Tara that he was awake. She then went to Fred and did the same, getting the same response.

"Is it time already?" Fred asked groggily as he rubbed his eyes, Tara laughed.

"I'm afraid so, Freddie," Tara said before exiting their room and walking back to her own so she could get changed. Tara threw on a pair of dark blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a maroon coloured hooded jumper. For shoes, she wore a pair of what Hermione called hi-tops. They were supposed to be dressed incognito, so Tara hoped that she looked like a muggle.

Once she was dressed, she grabbed her backpack and quickly descended the staircase to the kitchen where everyone was half asleep, except Ron who had fallen asleep again but with his head resting on the dining table.

"Where are Bill, Charlie, and Percy?" Fred asked through a yawn, Tara rolled her eyes at him.

"They're apparating Fred," Tara said as she held a bowl of porridge that her mother had just given her. Fred groaned at her response, clearly jealous that they were able to sleep in.

"So they're still in bed?" Fred asked grumpily as he pulled his bowl of porridge towards him. "Why can't we apparate, too?" George asked, although he too knew the answer to his question. Molly sighed.

"Because you are not of age, nor have you passed the test!" she snapped. "And where are those girls?" Molly said as she bustled out of the kitchen and her footsteps could be heard up the steps.

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