01. Fireplace Disaster

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CHAPTER ONE:Fireplace Disaster

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Fireplace Disaster

THE SUMMER BREAK OF 1994 WAS A BLUR, AND TARA WAS NOT EMBARRASSED TO ADMIT THAT SHE HAD SLEPT FOR THE MAJORITY OF IT. Her fifth year, also known as the OWLs year, was not particularly easy, but she had managed to receive a total of seven OWLs which was more than what Fred and George's OWLs were combined. Molly was furious with the two boys which Tara had found to be quite amusing, but she could have easily been in the same position as her brothers if she decided against putting effort into her schooling.

It was just two days before the final of the Quidditch World Cup, Bulgaria versus Ireland, and Tara couldn't possibly be any more excited than she was. Tara's closest friends, Maggie Edmunds and Brielle Harding, didn't particularly care for the sport and neither had any desire to attend the match, not that Tara cared all that much. Out of all the Weasley's, it was only Ron (and technically Ginny) who had friends coming, Harry Potter, who would arrive later that day, and Hermione Granger, who would arrive early the next morning. Bill and Charlie were also joining them, much to Tara's delight as she rarely got to see them due to their jobs which were based entirely overseas.

Arthur had insisted on flooing to Harry's house, something that Fred and George had been looking forward to for a while, and Tara was the only one who knew why. The two had been busy for ages with their new practical joke inventions, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and they planned to test one of their new product's on Harry's prat of a cousin, Dudley.

"Tara, Fred, George, Ron! It's time to go!" Arthur called to his children who all hurriedly gathered around the fireplace in the living room. "I'll go first," Arthur said before taking a handful of the grey floo powder and stepping into the fireplace. "Number 4 Privet Drive!" he shouted before being engulfed in the green flames. Fred went next, then George, and then it was Tara's turn. She took a handful of floo powder, grimacing slightly at the somewhat unpleasant and ash-like feel of the powder as she stepped into the fireplace.

"Number 4 Privet Drive!" she shouted before she felt a gentle warmth from green flames she was being engulfed in. Tara spun faster and faster, elbows tucked tightly into her sides, blurred fireplaces flashing past her. That was until she felt herself slow down and she put her hands out in front of her to stop herself from face planting into the Dursley's living room. Although her hands didn't come in contact with the ground, they came in contact with another person.

"What's going on?" Tara asked, obviously very confused at the predicament they were currently in, it also being completely dark was not helping, not to mention being jammed between one of her brothers and a brick wall.

"The fireplace is blocked, one of you go back and tell Ron not to-," Arthur said but was cut off by another body being jammed into the already tight space and a few groans of pain sounded.

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