𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑥. 𝑜𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒

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season three | episode five
Car, Rain & Fire

Arielle stood at the door of her next class, a book in one hand and a bag of gummy bears in the other. She had seen Cat walk past her a few minutes prior and now Tori is looking for her and Beck is looking for Trina. "Who looks for Trina?" Arielle uses her thumb and pinky to keep the book open. "I do, she's been spreading rumours about me." Beck complains as Arielle nods, "Sounds like a you problem." The bell rings and Arielle bumps into Cat who's beside Jade and Tori. "Hey losers." Arielle uses one hand to mess up Cat's hair.

"Jade, Tori and I are going to Mona Patterson's house after school. Do you wanna come?" Cat squeaks when she sees her friend. Arielle shuts her book as she looks down at her friend, "Do I wanna go to a random lady's house with you, my ex and a girl who likes me? Sure!" Arielle walks away. It's not long until she hears the rumour Beck was upset about, Trina told everyone he asked her out. "Downgrade or not?" She turns to Cat who had followed her down the hallway. "Everyone after you is a downgrade." Cat's comment gains a soundless laugh from Arielle. They were on their way to their computer class.

Cat takes her seat and Arielle takes one across the room, next to André. "Why you always late for no reason?" Her friend looks over at her as she sits down at her computer, their teacher had already given them their work. "I'm fashionably late." Arielle smiles, stretching out her arms when she turns back and sees Cat struggling with her work. "I'm gonna go help Cat." She yawns, still tired after spending the night listening to Kyle's band rehearse in the garage.

"You okay?" She pressed her hand down on the desk, leaning behind Cat. The girl shakes her head, asking for help. "It's actually not that hard, it's more difficult when you actually think about it." Arielle rests her head on Cat's head as she starts helping the girl. "Now you do it." She pulls away, sitting down next to her friend. "You're really good at explaining things." Cat says when she finally gets her question right. "Ask me for anything at any time. I'm always on your side."


"So Cat, tell me why your brother replaced the seatbelt with a rope." Jade asks from the front seat while Cat eats the sandwich Arielle brought her and the girl next to her scrolls through her phone and Tori tries to play a song. "No, he just loves rope." The wind blows through Cat's hair as she turns over to catch a glimpse of Arielle who's too busy on her phone to notice. "What is this?" Jade asks Tori, there was a hamster on a wheel on a weird contraption and all of that was on Tori's lap. "It's our science project." Tori smiles and continues talking. "Doesn't it sound fun?" Cat peeps up at Arielle. "When Tori talks I automatically stop listening." She shrugs. "Rude." Tori leans back to smack the girl's thigh and Arielle smirks when she kicks the back of the girl's seat.

"You want a muffin?" Tori holds it out to Jade. "Sure." The girl takes a bite. "You brought muffins?" Arielle leans forward in her seat. "No, I found it under the seat." Jade spits the muffin in Tori's hair and Arielle falls back laughing, nearly falling on Cat. "See, I'm not boring." Tori turns to Arielle, throwing the piece of muffin in her hair out the car. "Oh, you did that to impress Arielle." Jade turns to Tori, "Guys, you're not gonna argue about Arielle for two hours." Cat starts when everyone turns to her. "Two hours?!" Jade exclaims. "Yeah, her house is in San Diego." Cat plays with a strand of her hair. "I love San Diego." Arielle talks to herself.

"I'm not driving this rolling chiz-box to San Diego and back." Jade stops the car so quickly, they're always sent flying. "I can drive." Arielle volunteers, resting her hand on Cat's thigh and the girl sends her a fond smile. "You're the best, Ari."


"Why won't he run faster?" Cat asks from the back as she sits next to Jade, "Cause you bought us a fat hamster." Tori watches it run and Arielle cringes, "Well that's fucking rude." She takes a large gulp of her water. She had got herself a large water bottle a week ago and refused to go anywhere without it. "I'm just joking."

"Obesity isn't a fucking joke." She takes another gulp of water. "Well he reminds me of Santa Claus." Cat chirps up when Arielle feels drops of water on her cheek. "Well I brought an umbrella-" Tori starts. "Cause that's what we need, a large metal rod sticking into the sky." Arielle groans, sticking her tongue out as water drops onto her face, it's not long until the entire car is practically full of water. "Pull over!" Jade yells. "We're on the highway!" Arielle honks the horn. "I'm wet!" Cat yells from the back, "Pull out the top!"

"It's broken!" Cat yells. "I'm gonna kill myself!"


When they eventually pull up to the gas station, the girls decide to pull out the top but it's broken. "Can we just go home?" Tori asks Cat, as the girl goes quiet. They were almost there and Arielle didn't see the reason to go back. "It's late and we have a project to do." Tori says but Arielle is shaking her head, "Let's just buy some snacks at the gas station and drive to the dead woman's house." Arielle is the first one in the gas station, she buys Cat gummy bears and heads back outside. The girls are there with a random clown. "Get in the car and I will shank you." She directs the first half to her friends, the second half to the weird clown.

"Well at least I get paid, you're a clown for free." The man notes when Arielle gets behind the wheel. "I will hit you with this car." She starts the engine and is driving before the man can say anything else. "You really are a clown for free." Jade notes as they start driving. It's not long before they reach Mona's house. There are no flowers and no candy, her house is bare, untouched. "No one cared about her." Cat lights her candle and sits down on the steps. "I loved watching you as a child." She goes on as Arielle sits down beside her, holding her hand. "I'm so sad that you're gone." Cat wipes away her tears when the door opens behind them.

"What are you doing out here?!" The old woman yells, holding out a water gun at the two girls who jump back to Tori and Jade. "Look, it's a very alive Mona Patterson." Jade comments. "I thought she was dead." Tori calls out.

"Yeah, I read that she joined the dead."

"Yeah, the show." Mona Patterson points out as Arielle shrugs. "So we drove all the way here for no reason?" Jade complains. "I wouldn't say for no reason, we had fun on the way."

"Fun, we're soaking wet." Jade gestures to their clothes when Mona Patterson starts spraying them with water. "Get off my property!" The woman screams as Arielle yells out curse words. "And get your mouth cleaned out!" The woman yells as Arielle grabs Cat, dragging the girl away as all three of them end up back in the car. "That was insane." Jade wipes away her runny mascara. "Well at least this will be a fun story to tell your kids." Arielle laughs as she starts the car, looking over at Cat.

"I'm glad your actor lady isn't dead and I'm glad we got to spend the day together."

𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑠, 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟 & 𝑗𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡Where stories live. Discover now