Chapter 27 "forced into confession"

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Relief washed over me as "home" came into view. Hera had led us through the entrance of Olympus and ascended the steps to the main structure where the 12 thrones sat, 2 of which were certainly empty.

"Will he be angry we are here...?" I asked nervously.

"Of course he will, he is always angry. Don't ask stupid questions dear." Said Hera.

Apollo leaned in and whispered. "At first he will be but after Hera works her 'magic' he will settle down, or at least direct his anger at someone else. Don't worry." He reassured.

He looped his arm through mine causing my heart to pang. His sudden shows of affection caught me off guard but I couldn't bring myself to object. I looked towards my feet and blushed. I don't know why he was acting so different towards me. Is it his manipulation again...?2

"Worst he could do is send us back... or put us in a cage. Actually... I don't know about you Shiva, you're not his kid." Pondered aloud Ares.

Apollo frowned at him. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course I do! I'm second to Athena in intellige-"

"Hah! Don't be ridiculous. Stick to your warfare, it's what you're good at." Laughed Apollo as he shook his head.

"If not for your looks Apollo I wouldn't have welcomed you with open arms when you first arrived in Olympus." Sneered Hera. She did have a hatred for any other child Zeus produced... much more for the mother's involved. "Ares is very capable and intelligent." she added finally as she regarded her son with a smile.

After ascending many steps, which left their half mortal bodies exhausted, they finally reached the throne room. The ceiling was exceptionally high and in their half god Forms the seats seemed like skyscrapers. Everything was much much larger from where they stood. The thrones had been mostly empty apart from Zeus's great one as well as Athena's. Any lies would've been quickly deciphered now that Athena was there... I swallowed hard and pretended to not notice her presence.

"What is the meaning of this!!" Roared Zeus as he saw his two defiant sons and adopted Titaness. We seemed so small and weak compared to him.

"Dear husband, I come with the most grievous of news. News that has been brought to me and must be dealt with accordingly." Sighed Hera dramatically.

Zeus groaned and leaned into his throne, he rested his chin on his hand and gestured his wife to continue. "According to your sons, and daughter of mine, Pandora's box has been stolen and they know by who." Explained Hera. Her voice loud and Ingenuinely distraught. It was uncomfortable for Hera to consider me as her daughter, but she did raise me so it wasn't entirely untrue. What was more unsettling was what she might say next. Was she truly intent on telling Zeus it was Hermès? But that was a lie, it would only make things more messy.

"Yes I know it was stolen! By the gods, but by who??!" Growled Zeus as he leaned forward enraged, his hands now resting eagerly on his knees.

"By Chronos himself!" Cried Hera.

Ares, Apollo, and I stood in shock. Not too obviously, but it was hard to deny we all felt the same way. Out of everything she could've said, this was the most extreme. This must be a new adaption in her 'task'.

Zeus's eyes seem to almost burst out of his skull. He quickly pushed himself off his throne and stood tall above them. "Is this true?" Asked Zeus, his eyes specifically on Apollo. Apollo was his most trusted son, and he knows full well Apollo was incapable of lying.

"Unknowing of the circumstances, the box fell into our possession after being stolen. We attempted to bring it back but it was stolen once more, by betraying hands father. Humanity is in great danger, we simply came to warn you." Said Apollo, speaking indirectly to work around telling a lie. Being a man that's had to decipher prophecies and riddles, he was good at speaking indirectly.

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