Chapter 25 "Unresolved Feelings"

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Apollo's POV

I can't keep denying my feelings anymore. Maybe it's because of the new situation we have to deal with but I can't keep pushing my feelings down further. They're beginning to rise back up and I can no longer hide from the truth.

I looked down at Shiva who's eyes read pure terror when she realized what she had done. She is such a fool.

Shiva. A woman who constantly tries to prove to herself that she's strong and mature. By the gods, for her age she is. But she could never hold the same wisdom the rest of us do. We have been alive for thousands of years. She has been alive for what? 18? 19? Compared to a god she has the mentality of a child. There's still so much she doesn't understand. Perhaps it's my fault for not paying better attention to her and allowing her to make such impulsive decisions. When it comes to godly business she can have no say. She simply does not understand it or the game.

Despite all of her faults, I can't help but feel my chest tighten at the sight of her. I feel as if I could melt at any moment when I gaze into her silver eyes. They're so calculating yet pure. Her face is delicate and youthful. She's beautiful. Not only because of her features but because of her complexity. No other goddess looks or thinks like her. Despite her stubbornness and immaturity Shiva is bold and adventurous. Most goddess's want nothing more than stability and power.

My thoughts drifted to the past...

"You're in love with her!" Artemis said as she pointed at me accusingly.

I simply chuckled and shook my head. "You are blind sister."

"I am your twin. I've seen you in love. I've seen you in denial. You are in love with her and refuse to admit it." Artemis pressed on.

At this point I was getting bothered. "Artemis, I'm ceasing this discussion. You're simply wrong."

Artemis sighed in disappointment and shook her head. "Whatever, keep denying it. But as your sister I must offer my guidance. Don't say anything and just listen to me. I don't want you hurting yourself anymore. Love is your weakness. This girl, we don't know what she is or where she's from! You will only get burned from this. I've seen you fall victim to 'love' far too many times. Brother, just accept the fact that just maybe you're not destined for anyone. I'm not. Love only makes you weaker."

I swallowed hard as memories came flooding back. My mindset back on Olympus was different. It could be because of everything I've learned here on earth due to the countless times Zeus cursed me with being a mortal.

Shiva being promised to Hermès made me realize that I want her. I've always wanted her. I must put a stop to this. I must find a way to break off their engagement and prevent the fates from getting their hands on her.

I think I know what I need to do. I've done it before and I might have to do it again.

As we all left the building I turned to shiva once more. I spoke in a softened voice: "You will not marry him."

"I-I swore on-" she started.

"I know. I'll take care of this. But I need you to make me a promise that you won't break." I spoke carefully as my hands gripped her shoulders reassuringly. "Do you trust me?"

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