Chapter 17 "The Gift"

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"Where the hell is she?!"

Kelly tripped over herself as she backed away in fear, she was breathing heavily and you could practically see how brittle she was through her eyes. She could twirl her hair and try to manipulate me all she wanted but I am a god, I won't be fooled with by a Demi-goddess; someone lesser than me. I've played this game far too many times, I've been lied to and cheated by mortals since their existence. She's no exception.

"I don't know!" She cried.

I growled and she flinched immediately. I knew she was telling the truth. I was just angry, enraged at her for possibly causing this. I see everything and know everything, I can see the guilt on her seemingly average face.

"You're useless." I spat.

I turned away from her with my arms crossed, my face twisted with anger and confusion.

"I say we force the information out of her." Sneered Ares who was sharpening a stick, he had a wicked grin on his stupid handsome face.

"She's telling the truth... I'm just irritated." I sighed.

"Are you sure? We could always get a boiling pot of-"

"I'm the god of truth you fool, I know what I'm talking about." I snapped at him.

Ares huffed, "I'm no fool!"

"That's entirely debatable..."

Kelly had pulled herself off the ground and ran off in the other direction, I ignored her and continued dealing with Ares.

"Besides, who cares about the brat. That's one less problem for us to worry about, let her be lost or whatever." Said Ares with a snicker.

I glared at him over my shoulder. "Absolutely not." I said through gritted teeth.

Ares dropped his stick and stood up with his arms crossed, "why do you care about her so much? Huh? You in love with her or something."

I scoffed, I opened my mouth to speak but I forget that I only speak the truth. I mouthed "No" but nothing came out, I was lying to myself. I simply shook my head, "She's a Titaness, She's a danger to humanity and we need to keep track of her."

"Sureee. Whatever the reason, count me out. I'm not helping you find some girl just so you can get laid." Said Ares rolling his eyes.

I ignored him and left to find Chiron.

As I walked through the camp my mind drifted to her. I couldn't help it. Part of me was worried for her safety, she wasn't exactly dangerous and was mostly ignorant. What if she meddled with something dark, something that could corrupt her... she was pure and naive, a symbol of innocence. I thought about her beauty, her long white hair and icy eyes that pierced into yours. That calculating expression she always had and youthfulness yet deep down in her eyes read something ancient, like she was millions upon millions of years old.

I found Chiron standing by the "big house", he looked to be having a hushed conversation with someone I've never seen before. They were Tall and lean, hidden by a baggy black hoodie.

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