Chapter 5 "The Gods."

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Apollo and I's relationship is complicated. He was always there when I was a child and proved to be a good friend, but sometimes his antics gets to me. There's no doubt in my mind that he's a good person, I think sometimes he says or does things that hurts others without realizing it.

After I stormed off, I spent the day thinking. Thinking about who I am and what my powers are all about. Apollo mentioned that I "healed" the pin. Does my power relate to healing? However, it was an object. Not a living thing.

I sat looking over a balcony viewing Olympus. It was a floating Greek paradise. With different floating land masses clustered with Greek styled buildings; marble columns and all. Beautiful statues of heroes and gods littered the grounds, flowers and plants blooming in every corner. It rested above the clouds leaving the sky above us clear and blue. Water falls spilled off the edges of the land into the vastness of the sky below, evaporating into mist as it fell. Olympus was truly heaven.

Suddenly, a voice rang through my mind, speaking in deep words. "Zeus seeks an audience with you." It spoke.

I sighed and pushed myself off the beautiful balcony. I made my way to the throne room, having to walk there considering I had no godly powers. Apparently just the ability to repair pins.

I arrived in the throne room, Zeus was sitting reading an ancient looking scroll. As I climbed up the steps leading to the 12 thrones his eyes shot up from the scroll and he passed it back to Hermès who stood next to him leaning against a column.

Hermes made eyes contact with me and grinned. His humorous green eyes looked to be building up a storm, a storm of chatter surely. He was a tall tanned man, skinny yet muscular; with curly brown tousled hair. He look fairly young apart from the wrinkles at the edges of his eyes from laughing and smiling too much, he looked kind yet mischievous.

Hermès took the scroll and winked at me, "Well if it isn't little miss-erm-Pin head!" Said Hermès, a grin spreading across his face as if he was proud of himself. He laughed at his own joke and continued, "Get it, you have a pin in your head and Pinhead is an insult mortals use-"

"Hermès, leave us." Said Zeus as he rolled his eyes,

Hermès nodded and without another word he left. First I get called girly and now pin head? Yeah, no thank you.

It was just Zeus and I in the throne room, he leaned further into his throne throwing his leg over the other casually. He truly looks like a king. I already knew what this was about. It was about the power I displayed earlier...

Before I could speak, he raised his hand up and spoke himself. "I was told of your display earlier."

I simply nodded in response not wanting to interrupt him.

"That you healed a pin Hera gave you." He said as he leaned over to look at the pin in my hair. "Let me see it,"

I took a deep breath and gently pulled the pin from my hair, curls tumbling down my shoulders. I slowly walked up to him and gently placed it in his large open hand. He lifted it up to examine. His eyes squinted In concentration.

He finally sighed and placed the pin on the arm rest of his throne. "We've been preparing for this day to come... you already know that. You know that there's a possibility that what you hold might put Olympus in danger. Despite your recent show of power being non destructive it doesn't cancel out the possibility of you hurting something or someone. Thus it would be necessary for us to keep a closer eye on you, perhaps even help you express whatever powers stirring inside you. We need to know what you are. Who you are."

I squeezed my lips into a thin line and nodded, I couldn't help but feel saddened. I was an outcast. A possible danger to everyone I know. But aren't all gods capable of hurting? Why am I being singled out? Because I'm unpredictable. Because I'm not their biological daughter, a Titan no less. But I kept all those feelings in. They weren't worth angering Zeus over. So I nodded and obeyed. I always obeyed.


He didn't lie when he said they'd keep a closer eye on me. He had me training with gods and goddesses, learning what they have to offer. I never have a moment to myself, I never have a break.
Some days I have to watch and hand tools to Hephaestus as he forged weapons in front of me. I hated it. It was sweaty and I always left smelling of fire and dirt.
With Aphrodite it wasn't so bad. I'd sit by her side and listen to her talk and talk. She talked about everyone, herself the most. Beautiful women would crowd around us as they fanned the goddess and played with her hair. She didn't make me do labor so it wasn't so bad...
Dionysus in the other hand was terrible. He enjoyed slaving me around and watching me suffer. Always forcing me to fix him more beverages of wine despite him literally being the god of wine and having the ability snap his fingers to get what he wants. But nope. He had to display me to his group of drunken friends as a servant, as a joke.
With Athena she would take me on tours around Olympus, she said she'd like to show me places on earth but it was far too dangerous. She also encourages me to learn how to fight with swords, sometimes we'd practice with dummies. She always sends me off with multiple books filled with tips and instructions on martial arts, Greek history, and a book of mathematics. She was a direct example of teacher.
Hermès would have me sort mail into corresponding piles, and I mean a TON of mail. Stacks of millions of letters reaching the tops of the celling. He would  chat my ears off as I tried to sort through the mail as quickly as I could. He showed me how to stamp letters I guess. He also mentioned that he'd show me more if I was allowed on earth. But again... it was too dangerous.
Poseidon would act like a dad. He would make stupid jokes to ease the awkward tension. We'd sometimes sit in silence, other times he'd tell me these outrageous stories that totally weren't suitable for young ears. But I was too weirded out to tell him to stop. He also introduced me to all his favorite hippocampus'. That was pretty cool I guess.
Artemis would spend an eternity convincing me to become a hunter, that she'd be able to keep a good eye on me at all times. She also talks a lot about her hunting stories which are interesting. Sometimes she teaches me how to hold a bow and shows me pictures of animals on earth. It was calming. I made a whole bunch of new friends when I was around her and her hunters.
Demeter and I would spend time in golden fields of wheat, she would show me how to harvest crops (which I sucked at and kept ruining them) and how to care for plants. I didn't see why these things were necessary but it wasn't too bad. She was really nice and always raved about how I totally resembled a snowdrop flower. Now she won't stop calling me snowdrop. I guess it's better than pin head and girly.

The worst of all would have to be with Ares. He seemed to hold some grudge since our last meeting, if he weren't so terrifying I would apologize again. But I have a feeling that if I did he might burst.

I expected him to just treat me like Dionysus and have me in tears but he took our "training" very seriously. He taught me how to sword fight, he would use this to his advantage and knock me on my butt.

"I-I'm sorry." I stammered as I pulled my aching body off the stone ground. He stood over me with a conceited grin.

"You better hope you can put yourself back together girl." He spat,

He pointed the sharp end of his blade inches from my face. "Again."

And again and again he'd knock me down somehow, taking advantage of my ignorance in fighting. He truly didn't like me.

Finally, I would spend training with Apollo. He was more than excited to do this with me, he had so many things he wanted to teach me. He wanted to teach me how to write poetry, play like every instrument in existence, and like Artemis he showed me how to use a bow.

I was terrible at aiming and didn't have the strength to pull the string back far enough. But i didn't give up. He wouldn't let me. He would always stand there next to me, guiding me with confidence. He never gave up on me that's for sure.

At the end of our training I'd look over my shoulder as I left, I'd watch as he made his way over to the nine muses. My chest would tighten as id watch him laugh and hold them, not a care in the world. No after thought.

Was I important to anyone?

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