Chapter 29 "The Imposter"

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(Someone suggested Daenerys Targaryen/Emilia Clarke as Shiva and I 100% agree! Here's a reference, if you haven't watched Game of Thrones YOU SHOULD)


I saw it in her eyes. She knew that I knew. I pretended to be oblivious to my sister who was perched in a tree above and kept my eyes on Shiva. Despite putting on a show for Artemis, I appreciated the opportunity to kiss Shiva, even if it was just on the cheek. Everything Shiva said before was a lie, and I had not known of my sisters involvement. However, one thing that came out of her mouth wasn't a lie, and that was her confession. I felt foolish and I should've known better, Artemis is quite nosey when it comes to my love life. I can't say if I would be as well considering she has none.

"You should head back, for all we know the fates could be watching." I said raising an eyebrow and grinning.

Her light grey eyes widened. "Y-yes, I see." She whispered softly. She turned to leave and I watched as she walked down the forest path. My chest was on fire as the passion from earlier still lingered. I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the way her long silver locks streamed down her back and blew gently in the wind with every step. She looked pure and harmless walking through the darkened woods with arms wrapped around herself. She was beautiful and I finally understood what she feared.

As soon as I could no longer sense her nearby I looked up and met my sisters curious gaze.

"Put away your bow sister, I'll pretend you hadn't aimed it at my love." I said rolling my eyes at her. She bit her lips and her silver bow disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Your love you say, yet you pushed her away... and what is this marriage you speak of?" Asked Artemis as she jumped from her branch, landing on the ground flawlessly.

"She's to marry Hermes, I'm surprised you haven't heard about it yet."

"Father wouldn't allow anyone to marry that... that... titaness! It can't and won't happen." Objected Artemis.

I shook my head. "I don't believe he would either. However, they seemed to seal the deal with a promise."

"A promise?"

"Yes, the worst kind of promise... the deadly kind." I said nodding.

Artemis groaned and sat down on the ground, her back resting against a tree. "Chaos follows that Titaness everywhere she goes." Said Artemis.

"Perhaps. Either way, I'm sorry to disappoint you sister, I don't believe I'll be marrying her anytime soon." I said followed by a drawn out sigh.

"I wasn't going to suggest such a thing... I assumed you wanted to bed her until you got bored." Said Artemis shrugging.

I squeezed my lips into a thin line as sudden anger rose up my throat. "Well you shouldn't assume, I don't need your help in bedding anyone and... and she's not a damn nymph or... mortal for that matter." I snapped.

She laughed softly. "No, she's not a nymph, she's a Titaness, and right now she's half mortal."

"Don't get technical with me, you're the one who thought you were smart enough to pull that reckless stunt on me as if I wouldn't find out." I said crossing my arms over my chest and glaring down at her.

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