Chapter 3 "The Titaness."

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"An infant?!" Gasped Poseidon, as he rushed to Zeus's side to get a better look at the thing.

"It seems those terrifying noises we've been hearing were from a mere baby..." grumbled Zeus. He observed the child, looking for any sign of... well... anything. Poseidon did the same.

"Why was it here?" Asked Poseidon, as he looked around at his surroundings once more.

"I couldn't say. But one things for sure, this thing is no mortal. Even we can feel the wretched coldness, no human could survive these conditions." Zeus thought aloud.

The baby screamed in his arms, her face squeezed in frustration and tears. "She's upset. Do something!" Said Poseidon as he covered his ears.

"We can start by leaving this dreaded place, it shows us no kindness that's for sure." Sighed Zeus, he tossed the baby into Poseidon's arms who barely caught onto it before burying it in his arms. It continued to wail and wriggle. Poseidon rolled his eyes and followed his brother out of the cavern.

As they left the cavern they were met with the other 10 gods and goddess waiting outside on a nearby island of ice.

The pure confusion and horror the gods displayed as Zeus and Poseidon return to the surface with an infant in hand was indescribable. They half expected to see the brothers covered in titans blood or simply not return at all.

The child wailed in Poseidon's arms, his face contorted with disgust. He also felt a tinge of shame, as the roaring and wailing beast was simply a crying child. That those horrifying sounds were coming from a new born. He also couldn't dismiss the fact that the child was presented in curious conditions, inside a cavern of an ice burg.

The brothers couldn't determine wether or not the child was safe, as it still has yet to grow into its full form.

The child thrashed in his arms wanting desperately to be put down,

"A-a child?" Stammered Athena. She stepped forward towards her father and uncle, her hand held to her chest in worry.

The other gods started to crowd around the child in Poseidon's arms, they observed its features half expecting it to be mutated or terrifying only to find it looking seemingly normal.

"Won't that thing shut up..." grumbled Ares. Aphrodite rolled her eyes at her mates rudeness but didn't say a word. Her eyes watched the child critically, seeking a flaw.

"Perhaps it's cold!" Proclaimed Apollo.

Athena rolled her eyes, "According to your oracle it's been living in ice before time itself. I doubt her cries are due to being cold."

Apollo didn't respond and bit his bottom lip in mental concentration. The riddle provided by the oracle wasn't much a riddle, it was fairly straightforward.

"What is it?" Asked Hera as she peaked closer at the baby.

"We don't know!" Growled Zeus, annoyed by the constant question.

Hera huffed and shook her head, "That's not what I meant. I mean to ask, what is it's sex?"

Poseidon answered by holding the baby up for everyone to see, revealing it to be a girl. "Ah, a titaness." Sang Apollo.

"What are we to do with it?" Asked Aphrodite, her eyes instantly narrowing at the reveal of it's gender. Who knows what threat this titaness might pose...

Zeus and Poseidon exchanged a look, both pondering what must be done. They couldn't possibly leave it on earth as it might cause mass destruction. They were lucky to find it so vulnerable and powerless, who knows what beasts lingers inside it.

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