Chapter 28 "Golden Eyes, Frozen Tears."

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I had not wanted to give in to Artemis's threats. However, with everything that's happened in past few months I didn't want anymore conflict.

I reluctantly followed Artemis into the sunlit forest. The sun had begun to set and casted a golden glow on the leaves. Despite the beautiful sight ahead, I trembled in fear. I couldn't tear my gaze from the silver bow and quivers resting on Artemis's back serving a grim warning. While she didn't aim the bow directly at me, seeing the weapon felt like a constant threat looming over my head.

Artemis hadn't spoken a word since she pulled me from the halls and into the scapes of Olympus. Nor have I. During my time on earth I had forgotten the mischief and drama that constantly plagued Olympus. The constant thunder and distant rumblings in the distance due to Zeus's rage didn't help either, he was not happy with anyone. Surprisingly, he was the least angry with Ares, Apollo and I.

The shade provided by the tree's felt cold making the suns occasional warmth almost comforting. There was only silence between us, I knew nothing of her intentions or what she wants me to say... I assume Artemis wants me to confess love to Apollo. The worst part about all of this is that I had started to develop feelings for him, and before I could even understand them I'm forced into confession. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad...

We approached Apollo who hummed while tightening the string of his golden bow. He stood tall while his slender yet deft fingers played at his weapon and the sunlight illuminated the cascading muscles of his back. He wore white silken fabric draped over his body and clasped with a golden pin at his right shoulder. A golden laurel wreath rested on his curls that were just as radiant.

He must've heard the leaves crunching beneath our feet and quickly looked up, his eyes meeting mine briefly. "Ah, hello sister, and-Shiva?" Greeted Apollo, curious of my appearance alongside his sister.

"We were looking for you brother." Said Artemis with a curt smile.

"I'm quite busy at the moment, what is it you want?" Asked Apollo. While the question seemed brash, his voice was pleasant and kind. His gaze flickered to me once more as he faintly looked me up and down. I avoided his eyes and tried to hide the blush that developed. I looked dull in comparison to his radiance; My silver hair was in its natural state falling down my back and I wore a simple white dress tied at the waist with silver thread. I was no sight to behold like he was.

Artemis looked at me over her shoulder. While she didn't speak I understood what she wanted from me. I swallowed hard and slowly approached him. I didn't wish to lie on her behalf but I also did not wish to be harmed. "I had intended to speak with you, your sister was helping me find you." I lied, my eyes watching his carefully.

A small part of me wished he would see the lie, being the god of truth, and put a stop to it all. However, his expression remained pleasant and unchanging. "Well here I am." Said Apollo with a gentle smile and shrug.

I turned to Artemis. "Perhaps I could speak to him privately." I suggested as kindly as I could. She stood her ground for a moment, her arms were crossed tightly and her eyes didn't break away from mine. Her presence served as another threat. Her appearance was much less warm than Apollo's; her hazel eyes were like daggers while his were like warm pools of honey.

She dropped her arms to her side and grinned, "Of course. Let me know if you need help finding your way back, I won't be far."

Another warning... she would be near.

As she turned to leave, eventually disappearing in the forest, Apollo chuckled lightly. I faced him, curious by his sudden amusement and watched him brush a loose strand of golden hair from his forehead. His hair had been bound in a loose bun, having grown significantly longer than it had been on earth. There's no point in denying that when he was in his full godly form he was beautiful. I must look dull and mortal next to him, having been stripped of mine.

Reborn (Apollo x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن