Chapter 10 "Plotting."

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"So you're telling me that she's using you?" Asked Apollo with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded, "That's what Ares suggested." I said shrugging.

Apollo pondered for a moment, tapping his chin curiously as he stared off into space. He snapped his fingers in excitement, "Then we should use her!"

"We?" I frowned.

He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to be involved. He grinned and quickly nodded, "Yup, we!"

I squeezed my lips into a thin line in defiance, "Why are you so interested in the demise of Aphrodite, don't you guys have kids together or something?" I pointed out.

He simply laughed and shook his head, "Believe it or not we don't. I'm the only major god she hasn't hooked up with!"

He hasn't been with Aphrodite?! She's been with every god and sired their children, and don't get me started on her and Apollo's love lives. He practically falls in love with anything and everything and she well-sleeps with anything and everything it seems like. They would've been almost perfect together, even for a short time. Apollo must have understood what I was thinking and spoke up,

"Believe or not, I do have standards." He shrugged.

"She's the goddess of beauty-like she fits anyone and everyone's standards!" I Exclaimed, and continued, "She can morph into what you desire most."

"Yeah well she has yet to do that with me." Said Apollo. He wore an almost sad expression on his face.

"Hasn't she tried?" I pressed. I probably shouldn't be prodding him with so many questions but I'll take what I can get, especially since he's always doing the very same thing to me.

"Of course she has! I'm like the hottest god." He beamed, his chin held high.

I wanted to say he was being cocky but he wasn't wrong... he is the god of the sun after all. "So it was you who rejected her advances?" I asked quietly.

He nodded, "I've known what she's done and what she's capable of. I am a really sensitive guy, and I look for love and all but-I think we both know how 'faithful' she can be." He said with a heavy sigh.

I nodded.

So It seemed like he rejected her because he wants something real and permanent. He knows she won't remain faithful, and that she would just end up breaking his heart. I guess the difference between Aphrodite and all his previous lovers was that Aphrodite you can already assume what a relationship with her would be like while with others it's a gamble. He enters all these relationships with a tiny bit of hope that it would last and not end in tragedy... yet they all have. I couldn't help but feel bad. Yeah he can 'unintentionally' be a jerk to me sometimes but he deserves to be loved... I could understand.

"Well I don't blame you." I said forcing a smile, "Now how do you plan we 'use her'?"

"Well, Aphrodite's popular for... well... hating certain women. There was one girl who defied Aphrodite completely and that was psyche." He explained as if our previous conversation never even happened.

"Who's psyche?" I asked.

He explained to me the whole love story behind psyche and Aphrodite's son Eros. Psyche was said to be so beautiful that it left Aphrodite threatened and she cursed the girl preventing anyone from ever falling in love with her. She sent Eros to shoot a hideous beast with a love arrow so it would fall in love with psyche but he ended up impaling himself with it and fell in love with the girl. It was a huge deal and Aphrodite did a whole lot of sabotaging but psyche still prevailed and blah blah. Apollo added the blah blah by the way. Apparently him and Eros aren't exactly friends...

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