Chapter 24 "A Terrible Promise."

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Before I get into the story I'd really like to reiterate something:

Rick riordans ideas and themes from his percy Jackson series is present in my book: HOWEVER, it's still my adaption and not everything I write is correlated with his lore and somethings will be different. To be honest, it's been a year since I've read all of his books and I don't remember every single detail. I'm going to work on straying from his ideas and develop my own the rest of this story so it's easier to write.

ALSO, if you guys could comment a response to this so I can get some feedback on how I'm going to write this story further.

How do you guys feel about smut/adult themes being present in this story?

If you could comment with feed back that would mean A LOT!


After walking for hours, riding public transportation, and crashing in various hotel rooms, we've found ourselves standing before the towering Empire State Building. The top of the Empire State build is said to hold the entrance to Olympus. We all looked out of place as our clothes were filthy, hair ratted, and a slight outdoorsy stench came off of us. However, the New York "goers" were in too much of a hurry to say anything.

"I liked our plan before." Sighed Ares.

"We have no other choice Ares. We would be wasting our time trying to contact Hermès, it would be difficult and likely not even work." I said to Ares.

"I have a pit in my stomach. I really don't like this." Whined Apollo.

I ignored them and started towards the building. A strong hand gripped my arm before I could even reach the entrance. "I don't think so."

I looked and saw a security guard. I was utterly confused. "Let me go." I stated firmly as I tried prying my way out of his grasp.

Apollo stepped forward, he apologized to the security guard and pulled me away. He whispered harshly to me; "You don't really expect we can just walk In there shiva. Look at us! People work there!"

I pulled away from Apollo. "Then what do you think we should do?!"

"Well firstly, please stop acting like a stubborn fool. And secondly-" Apollo started.

"I think I liked your first plan as well."

We all quickly turned to face whoever the voice belonged to.

"Hermès? Great timing-" started Ares.

He knew all along we needed his help and waited last minute!

Hermès was dressed in a flat business suit, his black hair was gelled back neatly and his green curious eyes raked over us, lingering on me for a moment. Just like every Greek god, he was attractive in his own godly way.

"Great, that's what I intended. How about we get off this busy street and have a chat? Hm?" Suggested Hermès with a cocky grin.

We all exchanged looks and followed Hermès. He led us to stretched black "vehicle". We were familiar with this by now and piled in.

Hermès sat across from us by himself as all three of us were huddled together, our backs facing the driver. "You three look utterly terrible. The mortal life doesn't suit you well." Joked Hermès.

"No it doesn't." Sighed Apollo.

"Cut the shit, can you help us or NOT." Groaned Ares.

"Calm down, this still isn't a very secure place to chat. My driver is taking us to my business headquarters, once we're there we can talk in my office. It'll be utterly confidential." Explained Hermès. He had a headquarters? What exactly does he do besides being a god?

Reborn (Apollo x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin