Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Skylar was dealing with a very serious dilemma: what to wear to her first day of law school. She didn't want to look like she was trying too hard or not trying enough. Maybe it was still school, but it was a professional school and didn't she have to look the part? She did not plan on going all out with full-on business attire, but maybe something preppy?

In the end it was a charcoal gray cardigan, a burgundy fit-and-flare dress, and black flats. She believed that it would do the job. It was preppy enough for her first day of classes - at least she wasn't wearing her pajamas to classes. 

Sarah seemed to be dealing with the same problem as her. But unlike, Skylar, she wasn't about to figure it out any time soon. All the outfits she pulled together were just too formal. She looked as if she was about to start pulling out her hair any time soon.

"Need any help?" Skylar offered.

Sarah turned to look at her and eyed Skylar's outfit carefully. The look she gave Skylar seemed to tell her that she approved.

"I guess," she said.

Skylar felt a little ecstatic that her hostile roommate was actually letting Skylar help her. 

"Well, a blazer, button down, and slacks seem a bit too business-y for classes," Skylar started. "We're still in school, save it for your actual years as a lawyer. Do you have any casual dresses or blouses? Pair that with a cardigan and I say you're good to go."

Sarah sighed. "I see where you're coming from. I don't know. I guess I'm just freaking out. I want everything to be perfect."

"I understand," Skylar said. "I feel the same way. But we just have to relax and everything will be okay. Now hurry up and get ready, first class is in fifteen minutes and we still have to find it."

Her schedule went like this: on Mondays-Wednesdays she had Civil Procedure from 9:45-11:00, Torts from 11:20-12:35, lunch break from 12:35-2:15, Contracts from 2:15-3:30, and from 4:15-7:15 LRW (except on Tuesdays). On Thursdays through Friday: Criminal Law from 9:45-11:00, LRW from 11:20-12:35, lunch break from 12:35-2:15 and then the rest of the day was for her.

If on Mondays and Wednesdays she had classes until 7:15, she would have to spend a lot of time in the library and possibly get very little sleep studying. But it was all worth it, it was all she ever wanted. 

While Skylar had the same schedule as Sarah, they had different Civil Procedure professors, so they had to separate when entering the building. Sarah just offered her a curt, "Good luck" and went off to her class.

Well, it's progress, Skylar thought as she entered the classroom where she noticed students were already waiting. They were all quiet, just waiting silently for the lecture to begin.

Skylar sat down and took out her Macbook, because everyone seemed to have their laptops out,  just incase they needed to take notes. It was awkward. Skylar wanted to say hi to someone, start getting to know people. It would make everything less awkward. But she decided against it and just waited like everyone else.

A few minutes later, a middle-aged man with a round belly and beard walked into the classroom holding a very large cup of coffee. He set his things down on the desk and then turned to the class.

"I am Professor Grenshaw," he introduced himself. "I am your Civil Procedure professor for the entirety of this semester. I am here to help you all, and by that I have to be honest with you all. In two months time, at least one of you will no longer be with us, and that is okay."

Well, then.

Everyone simultaneously looked around, eyes saying, "Well, it's not going to be me." 

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