Chapter Thirty

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Happy Thanksgiving! Just thought I'd give you guys a little holiday treat. Have a good one!

Chapter Thirty

So everything was settled. Everything was ready for Skykar's arrival in Chicago. She would be starting her classes at the University of Chicago Law School. Kyle had already found the perfect apartment for both of them in the city. Her family was already well aware of her return to the city. They were happy to have her back. No matter what had gone down between them in the past, family was family.

She had a few tests to take for her classes and that was that. Goodbye, Stanford. Goodbye, California. And goodbye, Ian. It was time for her fresh start back home. It wasn't the end of the world.

It was the last day before winter break, and like Professor Grenshaw had said the other day, Ian was going to be in her class on the look out for a new intern. So she'd have to see him, as much as she didn't want to. She knew that seeing him would bring back feelings that she really wanted to put at the back of her head.

When she made it class, she immediately saw Micah who gave her a wink and a naughty smile. And when she sat down, he quickly went to go sit next to her. But she didn't mind. Yeah, they'd made out and everything, but that was just a drunken night that they decided to let go. She didn't feel embarrassed or anything. They both just made a joke out of it.

"So..." he said. "Everyone at the firm found out about your breakup."

Skylar rolled her eyes. "Of course." She was well aware that a lot of people at Rinaldi & Associates did not like her, and believed that the only reason she got the internship was due to the fact that she was sleeping with Ian. And, honestly, maybe because Ian had liked he'd given her the internship. Maybe he never really believed she would make a good lawyer.

"And Ian had a meeting with everyone. He was really pissed." Micah chuckled a little. "Said he didn't think his personal business involved anyone else. Shut everyone up. But honestly, since you left he's been acting like even more of a prick. I mean, it's not like he wasn't a prick before, but it's like the pole up his ass was shoved even deeper."

"Oh my God!" Skylar groaned. "Shut up, Micah!"

But he just laughed. "You can't tell me he doesn't act too serious."

"He's a serious man!" she exclaimed defensively. "He's not gonna be cracking jokes the entire time."

"Okay, sorry," he said. But there was still a smile on his face. "Just thought I'd let you in some juicy gossip."

"Yeah," she said bitterly. "Gossip that involves me. I already know half the firm doesn't like me. I guess it's a good thing I quit."

It was funny how she and Micah had disliked each other so much earlier. She'd even slapped him at one point. And somehow they ended up making out at a party, and now they talked like they'd been friends for a long time. And Skylar felt comfortable with him. Micah wasn't the total as.shole he let on to be.

And then class started.

And then that dreaded moment happened.

The moment when Ian Rinaldi walked into her class. He looked as handsome as ever, dressed smartly in a charcoal gray suit and blue tie. And her heart almost pounded out of her chest.

Ian was there. In the same room as she was. Just a few feet away. Tempting as ever.

His beautiful green eyes scanned the room, and soon enough they were locked on hers. And for a few seconds it seemed like time had stopped. All she wanted was to run up to him and kiss him, and kiss him, and kiss him...

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