Chapter Fifteen

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Guys, guess what? It's my birthday today. So because I wanted to be a nice 17-year old, I decided to update. Ya'll have waited long enough.

Chapter Fifteen

Skylar could say that she had never been really close to her sisters. Grace was the oldest, 28-years old, married, she even had a son named Liam. She was the type of woman that went to have afternoon tea with her friends, was always well-groomed, her blonde hair perfect. She was the perfect wife to her husband Jack Peters. They'd gotten married a year after meeting Ian. Even then, she hadn't really been involved in the wedding. So it was a big surprise when Heather called to inform her of her own wedding.

Heather looked more like Skylar's sister than Grace did. She had the same brown hair and their mother's eyes. She was 26 herself. A bit quieter than Grace, but just as beautiful. Heather and Grace has always been close to each other, they always did everything together. Skylar never minded, she always figured that because she was younger they probably found her boring and couldn't really connect.

Heather was getting married to a man named Luis Montero, a Spanish man she had met while in Europe. She was happy for her, of course she was. Skylar had always been a hopeless romantic.

"That's great to hear," Skylar said. "When is the wedding?"

"It's in November, a little over two weeks," she explained. "I called to ask if you could be a bridesmaid."

Grace had not wanted Skylar to be her bridesmaid, which she had been okay with. She just never figured Heather would want her to. The only thing that made her thoughtful was how soon the wedding was. According to Heather, they'd only just met a few months ago. 

"Of course." She wasn't about to say no to her sister. Plus, it would make her parents happy to see that she was getting more involved in family affairs. 

"Great!" Heather sounded honestly happy. Maybe it was the fact that she was in love and a future wife. That would surely make anyone happy. "I'll send you the invitation, you  get a plus one, of course. The wedding is exactly on November 2nd, so try to get here by the 1st so that everything goes smoothly."

She quickly agreed, promising her that she would get there in time. 

"I'm really glad you're coming," Heather said. "So I'll see you in two weeks! Oh my gosh, it's so soon. Anyway, I have to go now. I'm going with Grace to pick out the food for the wedding."

When the call ended, Skylar was pretty happy. Sure, she was really enjoying California, but she did miss Chicago was happy to go back even if just for a while. She'd even get to see Kyle, which was really great.

It was Friday, which meant she was the firm, in Ian's office. He'd gone out to speak to a few of the other lawyers, leaving her alone while she worked on the tasks he had assigned her. There was a little beige couch by the window in his office that looked out onto the city of San Francisco. Her heels were off, and she lounged back, a laptop on top of her legs. 

She decided to take a break from her work and go online to reserve her tickets, just to make sure that everything went smoothly. 

Ian entered the office again, and went over to sit down next to her, pulling her legs on top of his as he watched her scrunch her nose as she did whatever she was doing.

"What's up?" he asked.

"My sister Heather called," she explained, not taking her eyes off the screen. "She's getting married in two weeks and wants me to be her bridesmaid."

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