Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

After leaving the hospital, Skylar went back to Ian's house and picked up her stuff. Then she quickly went back to her apartment. She didn't call Ian. She didn't talk to anyone. Instead she curled up on her sofa and watched movies all day long. Ian never bothered to call her either.

And today was a new day. And she had to go back to her classes. Which was good. At least she'd have something to take her mind off Ian. Off of what his mom had said. She hated the way she was feeling. But it just seemed like everything was breaking apart. Like her relationship with Ian was falling apart with Christina back. Of course Emily wanted her mother and father together. Skylar was just a crack in what otherwise would be the perfect family.

It broke her heart to think that things may be coming to an end. It totally sucked, really. Why couldn't she and Ian just be happy together? Why did there always have to be something that ruined their happiness? But she was coming to a realization that the good things in her life were always temporary.

Throughout all of her classes she had to force herself to push all thoughts of Ian aside. She was starting to also realize that she was so caught up in her relationship that she wasn't putting as much effort into her classes as she should have. Sure, she was doing great so far. Her professors loved her. But she knew she could do better if there wasn't a certain distraction in her life. But that didn't matter to her. She loved Ian, and of course she'd put him first, but was it worth it?

Then she made a decision. She had about twenty minutes before her next class started, so she headed over to the school offices. She'd decided that Ian had become too big a part in her life. It was one thing to be in a relationship. But she was also his intern. He'd bought her a car. He'd gotten her a great apartment. Normal boyfriends didn't get their girlfriends such extravagant gifts so fast. They hadn't even started dating yet when he'd done that grand gesture. They'd moved too quick. She needed space. Of course she didn't want to end things with him, but everything in her life was starting to tie her down to Ian. And that wasn't healthy.

So after a quick talk with a very nice lady, it was settled that Skylar move back into her old dorm by the end of the week. No one had moved in with Sarah, so she'd be back with her. Maybe living in an apartment all by herself had its pros, but rooming with Sarah was comforting in the current state that she was in. She just wondered how she would let Ian know. Would he be okay with it? Would he be mad? He had no right, though! He was just her boyfriend, not her owner.

Her next class was with Sarah. And when she saw her friend, Skylar hurried over to sit next to her and give her the news.

"Guess who's gonna be rooming with you!" Skylar enthused. Well, as much as she could manage.

Sarah's eyes widened a little bit, she looked a bit confused. "Uh, I don't want to sound like I don't want you to move in again, but...why? Did Ian stop paying for your apartment?"

Skylar sighed. "It's not that. I just realized that I was too lonely in that apartment." It wasn't a lie. Not really. She really did feel lonely sometimes in that apartment. Sure, sometimes Ian was there with her, but most of the time it was just her. "Plus, driving to school has become quite annoying. I felt like this would be much easier." She would have liked to let Sarah in on the more specific reason, but she didn't really feel comfortable disclosing so much.

"Are you giving the car back?" she asked.

That was something Skylar had not thought about. Would she give the car back? She wasn't leaving the apartment to put an end to their relationship. But would giving the car back make it seem like she was? Like she wanted no part of him. "I...I don't know. I have to get back to you on that."

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