Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

It's easy to think that after a break up you just don't have to see that person. It would make things so much easier. And usually, that's what people do. Break up? Okay. Well, now they'll spend a lot of time trying to avoid each other. And usually it works. Usually.

It was different for Skylar. It wasn't like she could just stop seeing Ian just like that. She lived in an apartment owned by him, but one that she would be moving out of quite soon. So that wasn't really the big issue. The issue was that she needed an internship if she wanted a good firm to hire her after graduation, and she did have an internship. Her boss was Ian. She worked for him, so...she didn't really know what to do. Of course she had to keep going, she couldn't just stop going because of their breakup. But she really didn't want to go. It would be awkward. Like, really awkward. But she had an obligation. So no avoiding Ian, no matter how much she wanted to.

"You'll get through it," Jason promised as they ate their lunch. "I'm sure you're both professional enough to put personal matters aside during work. I mean, did you guys make out constantly at work, or did you do your work like a professional intern would?" He made it sound like the answer was obvious.

Skylar narrowed her eyes as she thought about it. She almost laughed. They had not been professional at all, really. "Well..."

Jason sighed. "Of course," he said. "Well, now you have to. There's no other choice."

She was really frustrated. Accepting the internship offer from Ian had been a huge mistake. Honestly, getting involved with Ian had been a mistake. Look where that got her.

"This is gonna be so awkward," she said. "I have to work out the details about the apartment. Move out. Give him the car he bought me back. The jewelry he bought me..." Trailing off she started to really think about what she was saying. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed. "Was Ian my sugar daddy?!" Because it was really starting to sound like it.

Jason laughed at her expression. "Well, I think he would have been your sugar daddy if you were only in it for the things he gave you. Which I doubt that's the case, so I think you're good. He was just your boyfriend that liked to give you a lot of extravagant gifts. I guess that's one of the benefits of having a millionaire boyfriend."

"He's not a millionaire," she said. "He's just...well-off." He really wasn't a millionaire. Ian certainly did have plenty of money, but he was by no means a millionaire.

"Whatever." Jason shrugged. "He's still a little rich boy that uses money to charm women."

Skylar was slightly offended by that comment. "If you think I was with him because of the things he got me, you're wrong."

"I didn't mean it like that," Jason said, quick to defend himself. "I just...F.uck. Okay. I'm not gonna try to explain myself, but I didn't mean it like that."

She laughed it off and said, "I know what you mean. It's fine." Then her features turned serious. "You know, I thought that I could handle, you know, being apart from Ian." She shook her head and looked down at the table. "That I would be okay, 'cause I've learned my lesson. I'm not mad. I didn't cry. But I'm sad. I miss him. A lot. And I know it's been like less twenty-four hours since we broke up, but I feel so distanced from him. And I don't want to see him...I know that it's gonna be hard to see him and know that we can't be the same way we used to. He's not gonna kiss me, or say sweet things, spend the night with me. That's not gonna happen anymore. It's makes me sad." She was rambling, she knew that, but she couldn't help it.

Considering all the things she and Ian had gone through, and for it to end like it did, it was heart-breaking. It sucked. He was the man that stopped her from ending her life, who made her see that there was more to life. The man that showed what it was like to be taken care of. What it was like to be loved. What it was like to be in love. And she would never forget that. Ever.

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