Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

It was October 23rd which meant that Skylar was now officially 21-years old. Legal enough to buy alcohol and gamble, not that she'd be doing much gambling. She had to admit that she did like alcohol, wine being her preferred choice. Although it wasn't like she would be drinking everyday or run around wasted the entire time. She liked to limit herself.

In the morning her family called her to wish her a happy birthday. Kyle called her on Skype and they had a good conversation. Kyle was sad that he wouldn't be able to celebrate her birthday with her, but he'd be making up for it when she went to Chicago.

She had to admit, it felt good to age, she felt more like an adult. But she still felt like she looked older, and she was afraid of old age. She'd always been. Wrinkles and saggy skin, having other take care of you. Well, it was a fear that she would have to get over.

During school her friends wished her a happy birthday. Jason gave her a tight hug and wished her a great year. Sarah hugged her and apologized for being such a bee with an itch when they'd first met, they'd both started to grow on each other.

Cindy let her know that she would be throwing her a surprise party at Jason's later at night. Not that it was much of a surprise seeing as how she'd let her know.

"I just want to make sure you'll show up," Cindy had explained. Skylar had laughed and promised her she'd be there.

At the firm, Skylar walked into Ian's office where he greeted her with flowers and a case with a small, pale pink bow on top. He seemed nervous as she opened the case which revealed a silver bracelet with diamonds embedded on it. It was beautiful, really.

"Do you like it?" Ian asked nervously.

She gave him a big smile. "Of course! I love it!" And she wrapped her around him to kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you!"

"I didn't know what to get you," he admitted. "I thought this was the best option. If you don't like it I can return it-"

"I love it," she promised him. "You really didn't have to get me anything, but this is perfect."

They embraced each other and kissed slowly. Ian trapped her lower lip between his teeth and lightly pulled. Skylar didn't mind, she loved the sensation of it. What better present than just being with Ian? That was all she wanted, to be honest. As selfish as it was, she wanted to spend all day with him, but she did have other plans.

"I was thinking you and I could go get dinner after this," Ian said. "And maybe after that we could head over to your place..." The suggestion in his words was evident, and Skylar really liked the idea.

"Cindy is actually throwing me a small party," she explained. "Would you mind going there after our dinner?" If she was being honest, she kind of wanted Ian to meet her friends. She was sure they would like him, and it would do Ian good to hang out with other people.

"Of course," he agreed. "Whatever you want to do. It's your day."

She gave him a quick peck and said, "And after that little party we can go back to my place."

After their first time making love Ian had proven to her that he had a lot of stamina and was insatiable. He loved showing her exactly how he felt about her, being as close to her as possible. Skylar didn't mind, she loved being with him in the same way. He knew how to please her and that was nothing to complain about.

"What about Emily, though?" she asked.

"The babysitter is taking her over to my mother's house," he explained. "She'll be spending the night there. I'm all yours for tonight, baby."

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