◍ IX. Morning

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//Beach house, Miami

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//Beach house, Miami

Lights filtering through the curtains blanketed the entire room in its warmth, the yellow glow spreading on the couch, then the floor, and finally on the bed, making Aishwarya groan, pulling the blankets up she snuggled her face in the soft pillows, almost trying to block the sunlight, only trying.
She groaned as if crying as she failed miserably in her attempt of sleeping some more.

The door slammed open, making Aishwarya snap out of her slumber, sitting straight on the bed, her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, blinking a few times she concentrated on the figure of a woman, rummaging the cupboard.

"Sa...kshi?" she yawned, guessing the person who again slammed the cupboard door hard and Aish winced.

"A nice way you got there to wake someone up early in the morning." She mumbles, pressing her head in her palms, trying to shake off the sleep.

Rubbing her eyes, she looked at Sakshi who was picking up the towel, other toiletries, and her clothes, carrying them to the washroom without a single glance.

"What happened?" Aishwarya asked, muffling her yawn, getting no response but another slam of the door, which startled her.

"Why is she so maddened at me? I just woke up." Aishwarya wondered getting down from the bed, wearing her slippers she started making the bed, the shower running in the background.

Walking towards the cupboard seeing Sakshi's side perfectly arranged and hers blank "She is definitely furious." She shuddered, walking towards her suitcase near the couch and she placed it open, arranging her clothes.

After unpacking all her things, she glanced at the wall clock, 8:42 am. So early on a trip? frowning, she picked a loose pants jumpsuit, with a cream base, and orange/green strips. Placing it on the bed she looked for her cell, placing it on the charger, she started checking her emails when the door was opened, walking Sakshi dressed in a white shirt and suede mini skirt, towel drying her hair.

Aish placed her phone down, walking towards her, making her turn she yelped in surprise, her eyes widened in shock but calmed seeing it was her. "Why are you angry at me?"

"You finally guessed I'm mad, bingo Aishwarya," she said with a fake grin, clapping her hands. Aish deadpanned.

"I did something to offend you, didn't I?" she asked, placing her hand on her shoulder to stop her from turning.

"So glad you realized." She mocked, throwing the towel on the neatly made-up bed. She is doing it to piss you off Aish.

"Okay, I'm sorry" Aish pouted.

"Hell with your sorry" Sakshi glared, shrugging out of her hold.

"Sakshi" Aishwarya whined seeing her turn to walk.

"What Sakshi? You sneak out of this place, telling no one about a god damn dinner, and you make this pouty face, are you for real Aish?" Sakshi yelled at the top of her voice, making Aish shudder, closing her eyes shut, she bit on her lower lip "Do you have an idea how baffled I was on not finding you? I was so close to a panic attack. I would have woken the entire place if did not say that black dinner invites you oh so casually dropped on the sink." She gestured with her finger and thumb showing the tip of the index finger.

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