◍ XXXII. Broken

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//Beach, Miami

"I don't love her"

He could feel his own words ringing in his ears, his jaw slacked as he waited for her to respond, with baited breath he avoided her eyes, her fingers loosened the hold and he could feel her squirming .

"You d-don't ?" She asked in the lowest whisper, the one he would have failed to hear if not for the close proximity.

"I don't" he admitted, He couldn't push the words away , Not now when he have already muttered. If he had to give an explanation, he might give her but hiding the truth anymore will do more damage, Not that it's not done already. He could feel it .

"It was all a business Merger, We wanted to enter fashion industry and Montiel's were the entrance to it" Did he owe her an explanation ? Then why was he giving her ? His mind rebuked but he shut the voice out. "It was Senór Montiel who suggested to extent the Relationship. Ramona is successful, independent and Beautiful. There wasn't a reason to say no"

Now that he recalls, The time he spent with her seem to flash. "We started dating and I proposed her, She became a routine, we met once every month. It might be the fact we understood each other's work and Busy schedules. But Love ?" He sighed "No I never fell in love with her, or with anyone in that case, Love has always been a nothing to me. It never was a priority"

He stared at the waves, his life playing in front, Did he ever gave a thought to the L-word ? Well he never did. It was never important. His family always topped his list of Priority, followed by Business and then other things tailed behind.

His roots taught him to play every role ideally, Be it best Son to his parents, Best Grandson, caring brother to his Sister, Ever supporting Friend and then The Best Businessman. Keeping the boundaries of his Personal and Professional life intact.

"Why ?" She cleared her throat "Why did she broke up ?"

"Never got an explanation" he shrugged "She called me, she wanted to meet. When I reached she did not have her ring adorned, I pointed out and she announced, she wanted to quit."

"Why do you think she did ?"

Her questioned made his mind run in over drive. Why did she do it ? He was still looking for answers. He courted Ramona because Her father hinted at the proposal. The shoe fitted her perfectly, the ideal wife he wished for. She hardly asked his Attention and he was well off by giving her any, The media appearances they made or the formal dates they had, gave her immense media coverage. Being Leonardo Clemente's fiancée gave her both respect and privilege in the Spanish society. What more she would need ?

Why She would want to throw everything downhill ?

"She had everything. Respect, Title, Glorified Career. I don't know why she did ?"

She snorted "She did not feel loved, It's as simple as that Senór Clemente. You might have laid the world for her but she never felt belongingness, Atleast not from you"


"How would she ? Because you Lied. You weaved stories, emotions and God knows what not"

"Aishwarya I.."

"What Aishwarya ?" She questioned "You lied" Aishwarya declared to no one in particular. Her words made him feel unsure and Guilty, a combination of feelings he never experienced before .

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