◍ XXIII. Gaze

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//Miami, Florida

Aishwarya breathe a sigh of relief as soon as she stepped out, the glass doors separating her from the buzzing crowd, music, and long conversations. She could see the beach waves crashing on the rock, the gushing of the night breeze making her feel calm, contrasting from the centrally conditioned room with constant scrutiny, gazes, and attention.

Aishwarya stared at the beach, the cool sand enticing her to ditch the heels and walk barefoot on it. Closing her eyes she stood still, feeling the breeze kiss her skin, a shiver ran down her, the cold breeze playing peek-a-boo with her skin, the lace bodice doing no good.

"It's cold here." Her ears caught the voice, making her eyes open and sighting Leo, he stood near her, his tux blazer now unbuttoned, his bow tie nowhere to be seen and top shirt buttons were undone.

"It's calm here." She countered.

"Was party overwhelming for you?" He asked staring straight at the starry night sky.

"I was under constant scrutiny, so yes." Aish hugged herself, feeling her skin erupting with goosebumps.

"You are cold." He stated and Aishwarya declined with a shake of head

"I'm okay."

Rubbing her arms she smoothened her hairs, when a breeze touched and she shivered.

"Why can't you ever admit it?" Leo asked, taking his blazer off and offering it to her.

"No, It's okay. I'm good." Aish pestered declining again and Leo shook his head.

He yanked her close, she gasped in surprise. He placed the suit blazer on her shoulders, and a strong scent invaded her breathe, the cool air now cut off through the piece of cloth wrapped around her shoulder .

"Leo, it is not needed."

"You are stubborn, Miss Joshi" Leo stated turning and Aish bit her smile.

"Senorita Joshi sounds better to me," Aish said.

Leo turned and looked at Aish and his lips twitched upwards, she let her lips curve.

Glancing at the back, She noticed the hall nearly empty.

"Is it over? Where did everyone go?"

"It looks like it is." He pocketed his hands. "They must be back to their rooms or home."

"For how much time was I standing here?" Aish inquired and he checked his wrist .

"More than 30 minutes."

"Always Mr. Watch." She mumbled, wearing the jacket properly and buttoning it, she bend down pulling the straps off of her heels and stepped out.

Picking them up, she jumped on the sand down. Feeling the cold sand barefoot, her gown flowing down straight to the land, getting sandy .

"Aishwarya" She turned on his call "What do you think you are doing? Where to miss?" He frowned shooting her with questions .

"Back home? Party is over." She answered his questions, taking some more steps away from the venue and into the beach.

"What? wait" She heard him, turning she saw him walking down the platform, nearing her.

His hands pocketed and shoes sinking in the sand with each steps, Aish shook her head, looking straight and walking .

"Not that side, Car is at the other side." Leo pointed and instructed her to walk to the right turn, which lead towards the main road, taking them to the car. 

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