◍ XXXVI. Love

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//Los Cielos Resort, Miami FL.

The applauds from the Audience marked the end Leonardo and Marc's speech, The Duo thanked every single person present there, The staff, the speakers, the planners and all those people who never got the spotlight.

Leo glanced at Marc and nodded towards the stairs. He was the first one to climb down carrying the smile with poise, he nodded towards his staff who clapped for themselves, The Annual Business Conference for the year had finally came to an end.
He shook hands with people as they spoke and Marc joined him in few minutes. They both excused themselves and started walking towards his office.

Leo doffed his suit jacket on the couch and settled down. He looked up to find Marc leaned on his desk smirking .

He raises a brow at him and he chortles. "What ?" he asks .

"Your staff thinks you have gone bipolar" he comments, walking towards the mini refrigerator at the corner, pulling out two beer bottles. "In morning you were ready to burn the whole place down and Now you can't stop smiling"

Leo realized he have been smiling and tries to stop it but fails, he takes a swig to ignore his friends smug grin.

"Leonardo Clemente getting affected by a girl so much" he exclaims "Nona will have a field day"

Leo scoffs "I'm happy, Sue me"

"So happy ? A sight to sore eyes" he said dramatically and he resists the urge to punch his best friend.

"Stop exaggerating" he snapped.

"Then stop smiling like a fool" Marc countered.

Leo groaned when the door burst open and in walked Delphi and Cruz following her.

She was grinning .
"I heard" she announced looking at Leo "I'm ecstatic And.."

Her words left hanging when her eyes scrutinized the bottle in Marc's hand which he tried to cover but failed miserably.

"Baby I..." he was cut off by a scowl from her.

"I shouldn't have married an inconsiderate man like him" she accused "He is drinking, while I can't" complaining, she rounded her way towards Leo who chuckled at his friend's face.

"Come Darling, I got you" he opened his arm for Delphi and she settled near him leaning her head on his shoulder. "Didn't I warn you before walking down the aisle to run away ?"

"I'm sure I would like to repeat the same to a certain Lady" Marc glared and Leo snapped his eyes to him, making Delphi snort.

"She didn't today, She won't then" She said haughtily making Leo take a sigh of relief.

"Remind me again why are you my Best friend?" Marc shot and Leo smirked.

"No one was ready to have you, Until I took you under my wing" Leo cocked a brow towards Marc who scowled.
Seeing the exchange Cruz chuckled letting the three pairs of eyes snap at him and he stopped midway, choking on the rest of his laughter. The 3 burst of laughing seeing the man red faced.

"You okay Man ?" Marc asked him, passing him a glass of water and gesturing him to sit on the adjacent chair to him.

"A rare day in our lives, Leonardo Clemente grinning like a love-struck teenager" Delphi commented and Leo stopped grinning for a split second but couldn't keep the curve off her face.

"I don't even know if it's love or not" Leo said taking another swig of his beer.

"Oh Boss, You're already head over heels. Anyone with eyes could tell" Cruz told him and Delphi and Marc nodded in agreement.

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