◍ XLI. Panic

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//State Hospital. Miami, FL.

Leo wanted to strangle the woman sitting beside him but also felt the need to cherish her till the very eternity. Again he felt two polar opposite emotions at one same time, all for this very woman -Aishwarya Joshi.

He had concluded Women were the most complicated species on the face of earth.

Here he thought she'll go berserk hearing the Name : Ramona Montiel. The very woman who insulted her, made her cry - he had to be blind to not notice her blue eyes brimming on Wednesday - woman who was Ex-fiancé of the man she went as a date with yesterday, But here she is.

Being her stubborn self she had persuaded him to drive to this Hospital instead of the place he initially had planned to be. All because she wanted him to check on Ramona. Throwing all their lunch plans at the back seat here he was, sitting in the Parking lot of Hospital.

He was surprised at the amount of valid argument this woman could conjure out of the words he said.

"What are you waiting for ? Leo go check on her" She urged and he shot ice cold glares at her, all through his black shades. Can't she forget the phone call from hospital staff ?

He was already feeling at edge from the very second Cruz informed him about Ramona being hospitalized last night. Her Manager, Lisa found her unconscious and bleeding.

He had arranged the best medical facilities for her even before Senór Montiel personally called and asked him to care for his daughter until he takes care of certain pressing matters and fly here. Well as if that Old man cared for his daughter, it was always his son and his business. Ramona never mattered to that old crocodile lurking after money and reputation.

He didn't wanted to think about that man but that sneaky bastard was trying to contact his father for restoring the deal. He wanted Clemente name to support him and a good surname for his daughter.

He was getting ready in the morning when he received the call, it was his father narrating Senór Montiel's words to Leo. He wanted to make another arrangement with them, wanting his daughter to be forgiven for being stupid. That was his words.

He was frustrated, wanting to straight away tell his father what the week have changed for him but then he didn't wanted the conversation to be on a phone call but face to face. His mother who still believed his lied wanted him to get back with Ramona and His father merely pointed the clauses Montiel was ready to sign on.

"Will you just go ?" she deadpan and he pushed his door open using more force than required and without looking back he bolted out of the still vehicle. "Why are you angry..."

He ignored whatever she was saying, walking straight towards the entrance when he again heard her calling his name. This time he turned back on his heals and strides to her side.

Pulling the shades away, he leaned at her height looking straight in her blue eyes.

"I'm going there as you wanted. Now what ?" he demanded

"Why are you angry ?" She asked "Just go check on her out of humanity and comeback. That's all I'm asking you. But you act as if I have asked you to go donate your heart...."

He cupped her chin and kissed from the window making her words die down in her throat, her eyes widened but she kissed him back, touching his cheek.

"My heart belongs to you. How can I donate it ?" he mumbled between the kiss and she parted with her eyebrows furrowed.

"What did you say ?" He could see confusion spread on her face. He shook his head.

"Nothing" he pressed his lips on her one last time before straightening. "Sit here. I'll be back in 15 minutes"

"Okay Mr. Watch" she chuckled.

Walking straight to the reception he tapped the desk for the lady's attention.

"Ramona Montiel" he gave her the name and she nodded gesturing for him to wait till she pulls her detail.

"Ground Floor, Room No. 7" The lady informed and he started walking when her voice halted him "Mr. You're ?"

Leo was impatient to end this visit quick "Leonardo Clemente. Her fam..."

"Her fiancé" she completed as if it was stupid to ask for his relationship with her when she knew.

"Family Friend" he stated sternly turning and walking towards the rooms, he had his jaw clenched hard.

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