◍ XXVI. Metanoia

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//Zhee, Miami

Blue. The beautiful pair of deep, soulful eyes he always admired were dark, bloodshot, and furious. Her eyes spoke volumes, more than she blabered. Her happiness, her excitement, her irritation, her playfulness, and today, a raging storm within her. Every single emotion is clear in her blue eyes.

They have been acting as her mirror, a mirror to her emotions.

He usually glare, glance and even stare in those deep eyes but today he could feel the burn, the ache when she avoided his gaze. Her eyes continuously glaring the stone floor and his eyes yearning for hers to lift up and meet his hazel ones.

He wanted to shrug her and make her look up at him, but this woman was stubborn, he knew it.

"I am going back," she mumbled, her fists crushing the bag, and feet shuffling on the ground . "Leo, let me go." She whispered, clutching her eyes close.

His jaw twitched, she can't avoid eye contact with him, not when he loves to stare her blue eyes, They are never-ending, deep pools of emotions. Yanking her close and turning her fully he stared in her eyes .

"I'll take you wherever you want to go."

Pulling the door open, He pushed her inside the cab. Snatching her bags he turned towards his best friend duo. "Take this back, I'll see you there."

Tossing the car keys, he jogged to the other side and settled inside. Aishwarya was slumped against the seat, her face buried in her palms, elbows resting on her knees.

"22nd Avenue, mate" He muttered to the driver and he pulled the cab away to the roads, taking a U-turn from the end of divider.

"Where are we going?" She snapped her head up, glaring his face. "I'm trying my level best to not snap on you, so think about your well-being and take me back" She gritted the words .

"You don't have to keep it in, Just say it out." He said coolly. Aishwarya gave him a glaring scowled .

"You think it's a joke?" She yelled, glancing at the driver who looks alarmed from the rearview, Taking a breath, she lowered her volume "I'm on the verge of my patience. Just take me back to the beach house right this instant." she ordered.

"No" He shrugged "Your friend will kill me for this sour mood of yours."

"Aren't you optimistic? I'll kill you before her if you don't take me back." She jabbed, pushing her hair back and clutching them in a bun .

"Don't" He grimaced "You're torturing them."

"My hair, My choice" She snapped and he yanked her close .

"I know you're angry, but I don't appreciate this tone." He glared and Aishwarya gulped at the closeness, shrugging his hold away from her arm .

"You don't have to be at my receiving end, Just take me back."

"No, you need to let off steam before you go back." He said, folding his shirt sleeves to his elbow. He could feel her gaze on his arms, his tattooed arms getting unveiled from the white cotton sleeves.

"Stop drooling" He smirked at her and She gave him a funny look .

"I have seen better" She murmured "Virat Kohli has hotter arms than you."

"Therefore you couldn't pry your eyes away" He said suggestively and she scoffed, turning towards the streets, It was still late afternoon, the sun glaring hot on their head and the breeze warm.

"Where are we going?" Aishwarya whined and Leo resisted the urge to ignore her .

"Somewhere" Great! You didn't ignore her .

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