◍ XLIII. Thunder

900 54 6

//Cafe. Miami, FL

"How are you a businessman with such dumb-wit ?"

"I didn't expect this from you Leo"

"I thought you weren't an idiot but Boy you amaze me every single time"

"You could have once thought rationally ?"

"Will you speak up or you rented your tongue to someone else ?"

"Finally, Your highness wants me to speak. I was wondering you two can go for two more hours" Leo gritted his teeth. His two best friends rolled their eyes.

"You just proved how much of a fool You're. What more you'll do ?" Marc bit a mocking smile, stealing a French fries from Leo's plate.

"Enough Marcus. I know what I did" Leo snapped and his friend shot him a dark glare and Leo groaned in frustration. "What was I suppose to do ? She didn't listen a word I said. Just left me here"

He have received nothing but glares from Marc blended with sarcastic jabs and Disappointment from Delphi who eyed him with worry. He was sitting in this roadside café with his friends who ate his ears off, All because he has been sitting in this hospital for past few hours.

If not for Delphi's sickness, Marc and her wouldn't have stepped in the hospital and found Leo outside Dr. Leilani O'Neill's cabin talking. They gave him stunned glances and then frowns, Pulling him to this café to tend to his starving stomach.

He stared at his plate. The burger sat untouched - except the fries stolen by Marc in between his insults.

His appetite was lost and he didn't think it would be coming back soon. His stomach churned from the scene in previous hour. Dr. O'Neill had done the examination and Results have broken every little hope in his heart. He prayed somewhere for it to be a nightmare but it was a reality, Worst kind of.

"You need to eat" Delphi touched his shoulder and he snapped back to present.

"Yeah, Eat. You need to go and spend some more time with your Ex-fiancé" Marc muttered and earn a deadly look from Delphi.

"Ignore him" Delphi said to him and he let out defeated chuckle. "We'll look for a solution Leo. It'll be okay"

Her assuring words couldn't restore his hope, his heart feels going more numb with every passing minute.

It was 4 already. The time was slipping away from him.

"For a solution he need to tell us details. Not vague words." Marcus commented and Leo felt the familiar ache returning back. He could feel his temples stinging and eyes heavy. The headache was returning in full force.

"Ramona's is pregnant" he let the words out and heard Marc grumble.

"You said that before"

"Will you let him finish ?" Delphi smacked his right palm which was close to Leo's plate.

"With my baby. She's 6-7 weeks pregnant"

Marc looked at him with wide eyes but Delphi had a frown.

"Did she..."

"No. She did not confirm. The Gynac - Dr. O'Neill checked her" Leo took a sip of water "She had a panic attack when she got to know. I wanted to know the fetus's age so requested the doctors. I had a doubt about it not being mine but now..."

"Wait, wait, wait" Delphi stopped him. "It can't be yours" she announced.

Leo looked at her, he opened his mouth to say when she cut him off.

"Yeah. I remember perfectly. It's not yours Leo. You're not the father"

"Del, How can you be so sure ?" Marc asked her with questioning eyes.

"She was one of my bridesmaids if you remember. On our wedding day, Ramona.... I heard her talking" Delphi stated and Leo froze. His mind matching the dates. "It can't be yours Leo. It just can't be. Even if you both were together you be can't be sure."

"What did you heard Del ?" Leo asked, the hope he felt dying was re igniting.

"It...you.." Delphi stuttered, not meeting eyes with any of them. The men exchanged a glance and stared at Delphi who fidgeted at her spot.

Never an interruption made Delphi heave a sigh in relief. Leo blinked at her once, twice to figure out what was going on in Delphi's mind.

From his peripheral vision, he saw Marc answer his phone. His attention turned to him. It was Cruz who called. He frowned.

"He is with me" Marc said to Cruz eyeing Leo who looked confused. Marcus passed his phone to Leo who frowned at the Device before answering.

"Thank god. I have been trying to reach you for past 2 hours. You weren't answering"

"I wasn't ?" he asked baffled, checking his blazer pocket with other hand but came out empty. He checked for his phone but couldn't find his device. Irritation etched his face. What if Aishwarya tried reaching him ? Where is his phone ? Where did he left the damn phone ?

"I can't find my phone" He announced to both his friends and Cruz.

"Dude Where did you loose it ?" Marc demanded and Leo shrugged. Marc was ready to say more words when Delphi held him back.

"No idea" Leo muttered thinking of all the places. Aishwarya gave it back to him, he talked to the doctor and then he kept it on the table to help Delphi.

"Senór, we have to finalize the last minute details for the Yacht party. We need you hear"

Leo clenched his fist in annoyance "I can't.."

"All our investors and shareholders will be here, Even the officials we invited will be here. We can't decide these things on phone sir" Cruz reminded Leo and He wish to snap at him. He was the boss not the other way round but Leo clenched his jaw. Cruz was absolutely right.

"Okay" he glanced at the watch "Let me look for my phone, I'll be there"

Cruz hanged after informing him some more details and Leo rubbed his temples. His headache was getting worst.

"Food before everything Leo" Delphi gestured towards his plate . Marc bit on his fries nodding in agreement.

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