◍ III. Spesh

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//Mumbai, India

"Team Meeting in 10" the speakers vibrated on the whole floor, indicating the group of people to walk towards their favorite place.

"Finally, my fav place is calling me" Kabir announced to no one in particular but loud enough for the nearest two people to him to hear, Sakshi, The on-site leader, and Palak, his fellow intern.

Sakshi rolled her eyes at the youngest intern of their Event Management Firm, Spesh. Started 4 years back by their boss and firm's co-partner, Aishwarya Joshi. Spesh has created a name for itself last year as one of the Best Event Organizers in the financial capital of the country.

Sakshi chuckled as Kabir walked with a happy face towards their meeting area, which was nothing like its name. Passing the non-existing walls, he slouched on the bean bag as other the other intern Palak also took Her seat on a bean bag, nearly Kabir.

Sakshi stood in the middle of the room, waiting for Everyone to enter, till then she ensured the working of the connected laptop and projecting screen.

"Sakshi Dii, take a seat we know Aish ain't coming for the next 15 mins so Relax" Palak patted the seat near her to which Sakshi nodded and settled.

"I always wonder who designed this office Especially this meeting Room ?" Kabir asked no one in particular.

"Aishwarya, Who else do you think will fill a meeting room with flower pots and bean bags ?" Sakshi said bringing her laptop to life.

"Sakshi di ?" Palak called and Sakshi looked up to her. "Aishwarya is the Co-partner of this firm right ?"

"Yes, why you ask ?" Sakshi looked back at her screen.

"I was wondering..."

"Who's the other partner ?" Kabir cut off Palak with a chuckle, and Palak punched his shoulder hard and he yelped in pain.

"Ouch! She is violent" Kabir muttered and to which Palak glared "This is what you get for cutting me off"
"Surely you both intern here, but aren't you both 21" Sakshi looked at both who quickly nodded "Then act to your age". Sakshi shook her head as the duo muttered sorry.

"But still dii, Who's the other Partner, or are there more than one person?" Palak asked again.

"The other partner is my boss" The voice came in and Sakshi turned back to meet the brown eyes of the most irritating person on earth "Ayaan" She gritted his name, He smirked at Sakshi

"I knew you'll recognize my voice in sleep as well, Verma"
Kabir raised his brows and met his eyes with Palak who had the same Expressions. "Can you sense the tension in the air ?" Kabir asked and Palak nodded

"You two are the new interns" Ayaan greeted Palak and Kabir who look flustered at the shift of Attention, They again settled on their seats after a brief handshake

"So The Co-partner of this firm ?" Ayaan asked slipping his hands inside his jeans pocket, standing behind Sakshi's seat who looked pissed at his position. Kabir and Palak nodded in his direction.

"She's my boss, and" Kabir placed a hand on Sakshi's shoulder to which she looked back up and glared at hat at him, "Aishwarya's best Friend, Vandita Nair. She's a journalist and the Best Photographer you'll ever find."

"Ok-ayy, now I can't wait to meet her" Palak gushed and Kabir rolled his eyes.

Ayaan Continued ignoring Sakshi who shrugged his hand off her, but he again placed it back. "You surely wish to lose one hand Ayaan ?" Vishal entered and patted Ayaan in a manly gesture to which Ayaan winked.

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