◍ XXI. Alcohol

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//Miami, Florida

The lights glimmered from the chandeliers, tiles reflecting it and sparkling under the brightness. The guests dressed in their best attires, every single person looking straight out of a magazine or Page 3. The women flaunted their designer gowns and auction-purchased accessories, with caked-up faces and roof-touching heels while men were having hawked eyes fixed on every potential profit bearer they could find in the crowd.

Everything screamed riches and Aishwarya felt nervous but at the same time, the hand on her waist was assuring.

Aishwarya was grateful to her genes for good height, She can't imagine walking in 6-7 inches heels when she hardly managed walking in these, shuddering at the thought she glanced back to her left where Leo chatted along with a few guests who he introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Miller.

They were old acquaintances of the Clemente family.

Leo had his hairs tossed back, gelled and his beard trimmed to 2 days old, giving him the rough look. His lips worked as he spoke and a small smile adorning his features, his lashes touching his cheeks every often he blinks, and his jawline...

"Aishwarya" Leo called for her, her staring session coming to an end.

"I know I look too handsome today but stop staring and start focusing." he dipped his head and whispered in her eyes.

A playful smile played on his lips as Aishwarya turned her gaze away from him, biting her gums to stop her smile.

"Who says you look handsome?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Your staring said it all, Querida" Leo winked at her, passing her a glass of wine to her, which she happily accepted.

"Who told you I was staring at you? I was staring at that hot hunk behind you. He looks amazing in that brown tux he is wearing with that goatee. What do you think?" She smirked as Leo clenched his jaw and turn to look at his back, A man stood behind him wearing a pair of husky brown pants and a blazer.

"Do I see your nose flaring, Senór Clemente? Are you angry by any chance?" Aishwarya faked innocence but he focused back on guests with a clenched jaw.

Having a victorious smile she sipped her wine. Now she wasn't nervous anymore, She could pull it off just right.

"You two look so adorable together." Mrs. Miller cooed and Aishwarya glanced at Leo who smiled gratefully at her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Miller" A smile passed by Aishwarya to her had her grinning.

Adorable together.

Leo introduced her to some more businessman and their wives, some welcomed her with smiles and some threw snooty glares her way which she royally ignored.

Leo was busy talking business with a group of people when Aishwarya excused herself and walked towards Mrs. Miller who was waving at her, gesturing her to join them.

"I know you were bored standing beside him and listening to all business. Men are like that, cracking deals at every second they get." Mrs. Miller reasoned, She introduced her to the circle of women, some of which she already have met.

"You're the girl Leonardo left Ramona for?" Mrs. Frigen, A brunette in her mid-forties gazed at her from top to bottom.

"Do I look like a Homewrecker?" Aish asked in surprise, a smile dancing on her face "It is more like they broke up and I and Leo fired up our story."

"Story? What's that? Tell us as well." A woman whose name Aishwarya couldn't remember asked and Aish turned towards her with a small, polite smile.

"That's for another time, I won't bore you all with it today." She sipped her wine.

The Proposed Deal Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora