I'm Turning Myself Into A Board Game Since Y'all Want To Play Me

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"We have to take care of him before the mold's killing spree reaches the Colosseum! Bucciarati! We can leave the guy beneath the ground to you, right?" Giorno was a tad skeptical with the mold but he trusted his Capo's judgment.

"I'll go with him. I need to... I need to go with Bruno." She knew his name. Or, his fake name. Whatever name it was, she knew it, but she couldn't say it. "I know it. I know he's the one who did this to me... So I'll help Bruno, I'll be of no use to you against the one up there."

As she made up her mind, Secco rose from the ground, eyes locked on the duo he's seen before. This would make an act of lovely revenge. "Go, Giorno! Run, Mista!"

"Alright! Let's go, Giorno!" They dashed off, leaving them to deal with Secco. It didn't matter to him. Either way, he was going to kill them first.

"Bucciarati... How dare you ambush me back at that village... I'm never falling for that again. How dare you do something so cleaver?!" He hissed, pausing for a second. "No, wait... Something so lever... No wait. Something so beaver... Wait, so was it sever? Griever?"

"Is he trying to say..." She whispered, not expecting the doctor's assistance that gave her mild to moderate PTSD to be so...

"You mean 'clever'?" Bruno didn't really feel like wasting time on this fight, not when the clock was ticking and every second counted.

"I knew that, damn it! What are you, a language teacher?!" Secco growled, back arched forward as he angrily thrust his finger towards Bruno. "Y-Y-You jerk! Oh. wait, I need to record a video. It shouldn't take me too long to take care of both of you."

They watched in partial disbelief as he fiddled with the handheld camera, Bruno's stand appearing to attack, only to be swiftly knocked back from a rather strong kick. It wasn't possible for a human to be so fast, only a stand could heighten his senses that much, but where was it? Was he wearing his stand?! That power, that speed! It was unbelievable!

"She doesn't look like much of a fighter, and even then, if we're doing this one on one, I don't even need to dive into the ground." He grinned, the camera focused on the body he had knocked back. (Y/N) ran up to him, taking her eyes off the enemy for a second, but a second was all Secco needed to disappear. His speed was something to fear, appearing before their eyes and mercilessly cornering Bruno. The ground had already swallowed (Y/N) whole, maybe to save for later. It didn't matter, he would deal with Bruno first. He wanted payback. With the recoil of the ground, his speed and momentum only grew. The ground gave him the elasticity he needed to ruthlessly attack, just like a boxer using the ring ropes to increase the power of his punches! "Take this! I'm out of time!"

Before he could deliver the final blow, Soda City Funk reached through the ground, having burned away all the stone and cement, she snatched his arm, sizzling away through the suit and skin as she dragged him back down under the cement to use him as a flotation device. She took a deep breath as she crawled her way out of the dirt, patches of her skin burnt from her own temporary solution to the mold. The camera clattered to the floor, and she spit out a few rocks, hardened again once away from Oasis. "It's in my mouth gross it's all gritty and gross in my mouth."

With no time to waste, he grabbed her hand and dragged her away, far away, as far as they could from this guy. This man knew what he was doing, and his experience with his stand posed a big problem. Once he deemed them to be far enough, they took a moment to catch their breath by a pole. "This should be far enough. We should've lost that underground guy..."

"Secco. He said his name was Secco." She spat out the last few grains of concrete from her mouth, hands over her knees to keep herself up as she heaved in a few breaths. The ground below them had started to sink a bit, but they didn't notice it just yet. "Geez, I need to work on my cardio more..."

Apparition (Vento Aureo x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя